Chapter 19

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Chapter 19. 

Sam's P.O.V

Meeting my real parents had made me a happier person; I now smiled for no reason. I have everything I could wish for. So why do I feel like something is missing? I keep getting a feeling that something needs me, that there is something calling for help, but I can't seem to fathom what it could be. I can't tell Nick he'll worry and he already does enough for me, his parents too. My parents have gone back home and have started planning for my wedding. What could this feeling be? I remember the first time it happened; I was sitting in the garden watching the pack when I heard a voice whispering.


"Help me, is anyone there? Please somebody help me!" A voice whispered in my head, it sounded like a child. I looked around the training pack members but saw no one in danger or in need of help.

"Please help me, the bad man has me, he hurt my mummy! Is anyone there?" I heard it again this time I started to panic I tried talking back to it but there was no answer, and then it stopped. No one had noticed what had happened, but I started to get a very scared feeling. What is going on?

I walked back into the house and got a glass of water, I was starting to feel warm and sick. What was happening to me? I'm starting to hear voices in my head, something must be wrong.


From then, it had only happened maybe three or four times, but it was always the same child's voice and always the same words. Help me, is anyone there? Somebody helped me.

I had started to dream about a little girl in the forest alone, she was running from a shadow, by the size and shape of it I was certain it was a man. She would be running and shouting for help but nobody came and the man would laugh and run after her, and before I woke up he would catch her and then they would vanish, but I could hear her screaming even when she wasn't there.  After that I would wake up crying, Nick would ask me what was wrong and every time I answered I just told him it was another nightmare of my adopted father. I couldn't find it in me to burden him with my dreams or nightmares as they may as well be called.

Who was this child? Why was she calling for me? Is she even real? All of this was driving me insane.

"Hello, is anybody there?"  I shot up off the bed, I had to see if she was real, surely she is, I need to try and contact her.

"Can somebody help me?" I had to do this. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

"Hello, are you there? Can you hear me?" I called out to the child.

"....Hello, I can here you."  The child spoke back, I gasped. It worked, it actually worked.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked, there was a pause and I thought she had gone until I heard a whisper.

"Lily. What's your name?"

"Hey Lily, I'm Sam. Can you tell me where you are Lily?" I asked, if this girl was real I had to find her, I could feel she was in danger wherever she was.

"In the forest, the nasty man stole me and my mummy, but he... he killed my mummy and now I'm locked in a cage so I can't turn into a wolf!" She cried. What I didn't understand was if she can't turn into a wolf, how can she be speaking to me.

"Lily how are you speaking to me?"  I asked her.

"Mummy said that if I try hard enough some will hear me and help me."

"Your mummy is right, I'm going to help you Lily."  I told her, I was determined to help this little girl.

"Thank you Sam, I have to go now the nasty man is home. Please don't be long!"

"I won't Lily. Stay strong sweetie, I'll be there soon!"  Then something happened and I felt her pull out of my mind.

I had to help this little girl, she needed help, and I was going to be that help.


I'm really sorry i havent upload for months, i broke my laptop and only just got it back! 

Arranged marriage to a werewolf, and i happen to be his mate. (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now