Chapter 1. The accidents.

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The year 1835 began with the auction of the century. Young and old, rags and riches, gathered around the Opera House entering to see the beauitful works of it. As people gathered around they hopped into the wooden chairs as the auctionneer walked up to the grand stage. "Hello everyone. Today, we are gathered here today to begin the auction by saying that we are very much excited to give you the best rewards we can give from the talented Opera House. Now, shall we begin?" The auctionneer asked. He wore a tall black hat and had a black business suit. People soon clapped as the auction soon began. The first work was a grand painting of the famous director La Mag who was the 3rd director of the Opera House for the shows. The painting had rich beauitful brown colors mixed in with green. "On sale for 700 franks." The auctioneer said. A woman with brown hair rasied her hand. The auctioneer called on her and the woman stood up. "Magreta Bendena. Age 57 and single." The woman said. The painting was passed toward her and she fell in love with the painting's frame. The auction soon got more people claiming the great treasures of the Opera House. "Alright, for the last treasure, we have a white mask that once housed the darkness of a man's fate." The auctioneer said. Suddenly, a man dressed all in black jumped down from the ceiling wearing a opera cape. He kicked the auctioneer in the stomach and went on a rampage and knocked over the candles around the stage. Everyone screamed and were horrified at the man's face. He ran toward the grand chandiler's rope and cut it. The chandlier soon fell to the ground as people screamed and ran for their lives. A fire soon sparked and the black clothed man looked up at the ceiling. "No one will understand of what the world and darkness can do!" He yelled, and soon the flames overtook the Opera House. People ditched their rewards and a fire department rushed to put the fire out as fast as possible before anyone was hurt.

After that, they checked for survivors who were trapped inside. But, no one harmed and all that was left of the man was a note saying in blood red ink It has only begun. Darkness is inside you all, but, I have made it my friend.-The Phantom. That made everyone think that the Opera House was haunted or cursed by a demon from the devil.
But, that was only the beginning. The chaos soon started years later.
1875 and the Opera Dancers and cast were soon starting rehearsal. The lead role, a blond haired 23 year old woman was trying to decide which type of lipstick she should wear. Her mother peeked her head into the room and asked if anything was wrong. "Mother, I can't figure out if I should go with the purple or the pink. Which should it be?" The young female asked. Her beauitful blond curly hair which ran all the way down to her waist, swished whenever she walked. The blond's mother looked her daughter in the eye. "Sweetie, it's just rehearsal and it's not the end of the world." Her mother said. "Yes it is! I'm Catalina, Paris's favorite singer and I don't need to be late and forget my lines! My career will end and those dancers will get all the glory!" The woman yelled.

Her mother rolled her eyes at her daughter who was overreacting. Then, the dress manager peeked her head in. "Catalina Riches, 10 minutes before rehearsal. Pick a lipstick!" She yelled. Her name was Nera and she had strawberry-red hair. She left down the hallway and Catalina looked at the 2 lipsticks resting on her dresser. Her mother crossed her arms. "Are you ready Dear?" She asked. "Ugh. Fine." Catalina groaned. Her mother dragged her onto the stage wearing a silky golden robe with long wavy sleeves. "Mom! Are you sure this dress looks good? I'm just wondering cause if it doesn't work, I can't wear it so, we'll need a-"
"Just start the song up Charlie!" Catalina's mother yelled. The music man signaled the orchestra to start their instruments immediately. Rehearsal soon got underway and the dancers twirled around Catalina. Catalina sang and the dancers added in some extra lyrics. But, suddenly, in the middle of the performance, someone heard footsteps. The backup dancers whispered and there was a sudden sound of rope slicing. Then, a sand bag began to fall on the lead role. Dancers scattered and Catalina saw. She turned to run, but, tripped and fell onto her face. "Oh Dear!" Someone exclaimed.

Everyone ran toward her as I watched in the shadows. I had seen the whole scene. I knew what really happened. I saw the anger in them all and he had taught me why the world was cruel. And I respected that. His mind was brilliant.

To be continued...

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