Chapter 2. The performance of love.

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As soon as the manager ran over, the scene exploded into chaos. "Boss, these accidents are getting outta hand." Catalina's mother said. The manager who was in his late 60s, looked at the young woman and her mother. "Look Miss Riches, I don't know why these keep happening, but, I promise they'll go away." The manager explained. "Oh really? And does cancer go away so easy-peasy?" The mother asked. "Uh, well. I-I don't know. Whatever, etheir way, I can try and fix it. After all, it must be a guy just goofing off." The manager said. The blond woman rolled her eyes and then, a woman with light brown hair tied back in a bun, came running up to them. Her name was Madame Rose and she was a ticket saleswoman for the Opera House. She would also watch from backstage as the performance started. But, today, she had a horrified look on her face, but, she spoke in a calm voice. "Boss, I found a letter. And it's from the Opera Ghost." She said. "Opera Ghost? Rose, have you been drinking way too much wine again?" The manager asked, confused. "Ha, ha. I understand that you don't take orders from lower classes but, you need to hear it." Madame Rose said, holding the letter out for the man to see. "Ugh. Women. Fine! I'll take a look!" The manager said, and snatched the letter from her. He ripped open the evenlope and took out a letter written in black ink.

Dear Manager, you are to listen to my orders and not refuse to follow them. Also, as Madame Rose already told you about the Opera House and the horrifying accidents that follow, I will only make them happen, when, you don't listen. Also, I order that no one orders box 6, cause that shall be where I see a magical performance. As of for tonight, I want Natalie Winters to play the lead role in this month's Seasons of Change by La Heza. The manager was shocked by this. What in heaven's sake is this man thinking? Then, the manager looked at a white-blond haired girl and then, knew that she was gonna be the lead role. "Let's hear her sing." The manager said. "What?!" Catalina screeched. "Boss, you must be kidding." The co-manager said. "We don't even know if this gal can sing high or low! She'll destory the Opera House's reputation!" He added. "Calm down." The manager said. "Well, if people come running in, demanding for Catalina, I'm out. Bye-bye." The co-manager added. The manager's son, Hans Zela laughed at the co-manager. "Dude, it's just a test. If she doesn't do well, Catalina will sing." Hans said.

He had a light\dirty orange hair and he had it combed neatly down to his shoulders. Natalie walked toward the stage, her blue eyes wandering around the Opera House. Her mouth soon, started to move and she sang in a soft Soprano tone. The co-manager's angry face soon, started to form into a happy one. The room started to light up and Madame Rose looked up at the boxes. The dancers who were chattering started to stop and listen to the beauitful sound that filled the Opera House's walls. Soon, in a flash, the Opera House was packed with people from middle class and the best classes. They were listening to the angel sing to them and the dancers tried to focus.
That voice soon spreaded throughout the Opera House and beyond. Soon, the lights all dimmed and the breaks soon began. Natalie headed to her dressing room and looked in the mirror. She heard Madame Rose enter. "Natalie, may I ask you something?" She asked. Natalie spun around and her blue eyes met Madame Rose's shiny green eyes. "Have you heard voices inside these walls speak to you?" Madame Rose asked. Natalie shaked her head to show that she had no idea of what Madame Rose was talking about. "Well, they might start soon." Madame Rose said. She looked around and looked at the ceiling. Soon, the break was over and the perfomane starts again soon, only ending with the crowd in tears and cheers. Natalie and the cast bowed down to their fans.
Natalie however seems to sense something else in the room with everyone.

The enegry. What is it? Could it be?
I sense it too, but, no one knows it. That he is there. With a happy expression on. But, something's not right. Darkness. It's here. And it's watching. And he will claim Natalie to be his Angel. His Angel of happiness.

To be continued...

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