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Finally the day had arrived, THE DAY I FUCKING GO SEE RIHANNA!! I had seen the ad on tv for the concert and I followed Rihanna's tweets on her whereabouts. Finally her Diamonds Tour was coming to a city near me, Johannesburg South Africa baybey!! Knowing very well that I've never been to a concert in my life, I pulled out all the stops in getting my mom to get me a golden circle ticket and that  earned me double chores for two months!

Earlier that day Rihanna tweeted that she was stuck in New Zealand and wouldn't be able to make it. My heart was torn, I refused to believe it. I got my Rihanna Diamonds snapback and wore it, my autograph book, camera and headed for the airport with my mom. After waiting at the almost empty OR Tambo International Airport for about four hours, I was ready to quit and go home!

"The fuck am I doing here? Why am I fooling myself she isn't fucking coming!" I mumbled to no one in particular. Soon after I heard a couple of screams and involuntarily ran towards the screams! And there she was ROBYN RIHANNA FENTY! I couldn't believe it she was standing in front of me! No amount of conversations in the mirror and hours of twitter lurking could have prepared me for this moment.

After letting her greet her fans, it was my turn. I pushed my way closer to the goddess and started screaming in an attempt to get her to notice me. She was literally at arms length and I took that time to thank God for this moment.

"Well Hellooo there!" she says with a very welcoming smile. I was struggling to breathe and the constant nudges from the other fans reassured me that this moment was real and Rihanna was actually speaking to me.

"H-h-hi Miss Fenty can I please have a picture and an autograph?" I managed to let out and gave her my autograph book to sign.

"Well of course sweetie" she carefully took my camera and took a picture of her kissing my cheek and handed my autograph book back.

Nice to know that sexiness runs in the Navy. Hope to see you at my concert. Love, Riri xx

"Thanks Rihanna" I say after reading what she signed in my autograph book.

"Will I be seeing you at concert tomorrow?" she asked reciting the nudges from her bodyguard urging her to move along.


"Cool then I'll organise you a backstage pass"

"Really?! That would be great, Thank you so much Rihanna" I say with a very huge grin on my face.

"See you tomorrow then, Goodnight and I didn't quite catch your name" she said with some urgency

"Huh? Oh uhm I'm Sadé, Sadé Ross" I replied still star struck!!

"Oh nice name Sadé, well bye." she said while waving and heading to her SUV. I arrived home that night not believing my luck.

ROBYN  FENTY: A FORBIDDEN LOVE (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now