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I woke up at about 19:30 and I realised that Sadé was still asleep, but not for long.

"Babe wake up," I said gently shaking her trying to get her off of me.

"5 more minutes babe," she said with her eyes still closed

"Come on I'm hungry and you need to take your medication."

"But you just ate a while ago!"

"That was two hours ago, I'm hungry again"

"Okayyyy..." she then got off of me and I stretched because some of my muscles tensing up

"Let's go out for dinner."

"Okay but you are paying!"

"I don't mind and did I tell you how hot you look right now? Damn!" I said biting my lip

"No, but I'm glad you did. I got dressed up for you," she made her way up to me and pressed up against me.

"Oh babe stop, we need to go"

"What's the rush?" she pouted

"Let's go!" and I grabbed my bag and we left.

*Time lapse...skipping dinner

We got back from the restaurant and went to bed. After an hour I heard someone come in through the door after struggling to open it, that was odd Naledi went to sleep over at Candice's house so who could this be? I decided to wake Sadé

"Sad, babe wake up"

She groaned

"Come on Sadé, wake up" I said trying to keep my voice low so that I couldn't be heard by the perpetrator

" Robyn this is the second time you wake me up today" she said in an irritated tone.

"I'm sorry but I think there's someone in the house and it's not your sister" she stood up from the bed and we were now in silence, then we heard a few plates break.

"Did you hear that?"

"Robyn, I may be deaf in one ear but that was kinda hard to miss"


"Okay wait here, I'm going to check"

"No babe, you might get killed!" as much as I tried to stop Sadé she was oblivious to my commands after a few seconds I heard a gun shot...oh no!

I ran out to see what had happened and I saw Sadé on the floor, she had been shot on the arm. I turned to see two men masked and the one carrying the gun was just staring at me.

"You bitch! You could have killed her! baby are you okay?" I ran down to the floor and took off my shirt and used it to apply pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding.

"Shut up bitch!" the man holding the gun yelled.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll save you I swear!" I kissed Sadé on the lips completely oblivious to what the man was saying

"Oh what do we have here, not only are you an annoying bitch but like the boss mentioned you are also a bunch of dykes but I can fix that," the man said while getting closer to us.

"I swear if you come near me and my girlfriend, I will shove that gun far up your ass you wouldn't even know whether to scream or cry!" I spat.

"Fiesty! I like" he gave out a little chuckle and I realised that the only way out was if I used the skills I learnt in self defense after Chris beat me up. Yeah, let's not dwell on that dark time.

I got up and kicked the guy's wrist causing him to drop the gun. I kicked the man on his stomach which made him wince from pain and he fell down. I started kicking him in the balls, I felt merciless. After making sure he was down,I went to Sadé.

"Come on babe,let's go!"

"Okay but this hurts like a bitch!" I grabbed Sadé making sure I didn't hurt her arm, we ran out and before we could get far a heavy object hit me on the head and I blacked out!


All I remembered was Rihanna getting hit and me seconds after. Now I was in a van, my arms tied and on the other side of the van, I saw Robyn still unconscious. It hurt me to see my baby so lifeless.

"What do you want!" I shouted at the people in the front seat

"Shut up you dyke!"

"I swear if you call me that, you will regret the day you were born!" my murderous side showing up.

"Hahaha bitch! What are you going to do?!" after he said that Robyn woke up and I looked at her and mouthed 'I'm sorry' she quickly scanned her surroundings and mouthed 'me too'

"Hey bitch where do you think you are taking us!" Rihanna said I couldn't help but love the way she looked, so adorable!

"You look so sexy right now," I whispered to Rihanna

"We are not supposed to answer to you!" the man retorted

"Uh well who are you gonna answer to because clearly you failed answering to your teachers and that's why you're in this mess you bastard!" Rihanna said in a threatening tone.

"Watch your mouth bitch!"

"Or what?" Rihanna sneered back.

The van came to a stop and we were led into an alley that led to an abandoned warehouse. My arm hurt like a bitch but that didn't matter, what mattered was getting Rihanna and I out of here safe.

"Bitch that stunt you pulled almost cost you and your girlfriend your lives" the man said to Rihanna

"You deserved it!"

"You hit like a bitch!"

"That's not what you said when I was kicking you and you were begging me to stop!"

"Bitch!" the man slapped Rihanna across the face.

"You are going to regret you did that!" I said now angry at the man.

"Oh what are you going to do? Shoot me?"

"Maybe I will!"

The man started laughing and went to talk to the other man. They were talking about how they weren't gonna kill us but they were going to have their fun and 'correct our sexuality' ugh idiots! I turned to Rihanna who looked horrible, I think they hit her while she was unconscious.

"Baby are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah I am, how about you?"

"My arm hurts like a motherfucker!"

"I'm sorry babe, I'll get us out of here," Rihanna said while kissing me on my forehead.

"No, I'll get us out and I will kill the bitch I've got no problem!"

"Hahaha my little warrior," she then held me and soon I fell asleep.

*time lapse

"Ohh bitch!" I was woken up by a hot breath of alcohol in my ear from one of the guys that kidnapped us.

"Fuck off!" I screamed waking Rihanna up.

"She said FUCK OFF PAL!" Rihanna shouted.

"Shut up!" the man pulled me by my arm and pulled me away from Rihanna, he led me to some corner and I could still see Rihanna, she looked so helpless and I'm sure that's how I looked.

"Leave me alone! What are you going to do to me?!" 

"I'm going to fix you, lesbianism is wrong and needs to be corrected," he turned his to face me and he pulled his zipper down.

Oh no.....

ROBYN  FENTY: A FORBIDDEN LOVE (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now