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I woke up not being able to breathe, my throat sore and my body sore. I was definitely sick and this was worse than when I went shark cage diving with Rihanna. I missed my barbadian angel. I decided to call Demi but not out of loneliness, that would be unfair to Demi.


"Hello Demi" I said with the raspiest voice a girl could ever have.

"Oh Sadé, you don't sound so good are you okay?" she asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just woke up feeling really sick."

"I'm sorry love."

"No it's okay, it's just that I'm afraid I won't be able to hang out with you at Central Park today."

"Damn! Okay give me your address and I'll come visit you"

"I'm kinda foreign to how to say the address correctly but I think it's 51 East 55th Street 21st Floor."

"Okay cool, see you later okay?"

"Okay, bye Demi"

Shortly after my phone call with Demi,my phone rang. It was Rihanna, ugh talking to her would just complicate my life more! I decided to ignore it but it rang again and I finally answered after the third ring.


"Hey Sadé" she said sounding like she had been crying

"Hey Robyn, hey have you been crying?" I asked

"Even when you are sick my name sounds sexy from your mouth and yes I have been crying"

"Hahaha Rrrrobyn, now tell me why have you been crying?"

"I can't tell you over the phone, can I come over?"

"Yeah but not today, Demi is coming over"

"Demi? Okay I'll come tomorrow," she said sounding a bit jealous

"If I can ask. What is it about?"

"Us" there was a long silence and then I decided to break it

"Okay, see you tomorrow Robyn"

"Bye Sadé, I love you" I then hung up obviously shocked as to why she said she loves me, she technically left me! I wonder what it is about 'us' that she wants to talk about.

Later on Candice came into my room and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey Sadé, Naledi asked me to check on you. Are you okay?"

"Hey Candice, yeah I'm fine just a bit sick."

"That's good, not the being sick part but you get it," she said grinning

"Hey Candice can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah shoot."

"What did Victoria's Secret say when they first found out about you and my sister?"

"Uhm well at first they were against it but then they realised how happy Naledi made me feel and decided to just let me be."

"Oh uh thank you," that would never happen for Rihanna and I.

"If you don't mind me asking. Was that question asked because of the Rihanna situation?"

"Yeah," I nodded

"Don't worry about Rihanna, her bosses will soon realise that you guys love each other and they will decide to let you two be" she said with a reassuring smile.

ROBYN  FENTY: A FORBIDDEN LOVE (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now