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After Naledi told me that Sadé and Rihanna had gone missing two days ago, I looked for them EVERYWHERE! I looked in bars, pubs, homes and even the morgue. After looking in all these places and not finding them, I was ready to give up. But as I laid my head onto the steering wheel of my car, I got an idea! There was a place I hadn't looked yet...the abandoned warehouse! Nick told me about it years ago. I started driving to downtown New York and I won't lie I was shit scared!

Not long after, I had arrived. I had with me a gun which Max didn't understand why but I mean a girl needs more than a bodyguard to feel secure right? Right.

I made my way towards the abandoned warehouse and I could hear shouting. That voice sounded all too familiar,could it be her? I found her?

The alley was dark and reeked of alcohol and before I knew it, some man ran past me and I kept asking him questions "Hey! Do you know where Rihanna is?!" "Are there any more people in there?" but the man was oblivious to my questions and just before I knew it, he was hit by a stray bullet.

I gasped in shock, I continued into the warehouse and there they were. Sadé was pointing a gun at the man and was threatening to shoot him. I couldn't let her do that. You will have to shoot him Demi! You can do it!

I took out my gun and set the pin on fire and aimed for the guy's head. Before Sadé could do it, I had already gained enough hate for this man to want to kill him! Nobody hurts my best friend and her girlfriend and gets away with it...NOBODY! And at that thought BANG!! I killed the bitch!


"Demi!" I yelled as I dropped the gun and ran to her and gave her a bone-crushing hug.

"Sad!! I c-can't breathe" she said because I was squeezing her that hard.

"Sorry," I said as I pulled away from the hug.

"Are you guys okay though?" she asked and that is when we heard the police sirens.

"I'm okay," Rihanna said finally after recovering from the shock.

"Yeah we are okay, who called the police?" I asked with my voice shaky, I didn't know why.

"Are you ladies okay?" a policeman said as he used flashlight to observe his surroundings better.

"Y-yes officer" I croaked.

"Okay we need to know who did this," he said shining his light from the flashlight to the dead body behind us.

"I-I-I did it" I said and looked at Demi.

"Demi please, I need to do this" I said and looked at Rihanna who was now crying in her palms.

"We are going to need you to come to the station please."

"Okay. Demi please make sure Rihanna gets to the hospital and get her tested, Lord knows what disease that guy put in her," I said as I left with the officer.


I can't believe what just happened. The love of my life, was now being driven to a police station in a police car! Although she did nothing wrong, just that sight alone  to me was painful.

"Hey Robs," I heard Demi whisper.

"Yeah," I said while sobbing.

"We need to get you to hospital" I just nodded and left with Demi

When we got to hospital, the doctor took all the necessary blood needed for the tests and in a couple of hours, he told me everything like no STD, no HIV but something about a window period came up and he also gave me something for the trauma.

We left the hospital and when straight to the police station to go get my baby. After waiting for what seemed like forever, she finally emerged from one of the Interrogation rooms.

"Baby!" I yelled as I ran to her and hugged her.

"Baby!" she said and pressed her lips onto mine and gave me a passionate kiss.

"So what did they say?" I asked after breaking from the kiss

"Oh nothing much, I told them the story and they decided to settle on giving me community service but it will go on my record as murder."

"I'm sorry," Demi said from behind us and she looked like a mess, she looked like she had been crying for hours.

"Oh no need to be sorry, another murder, another day in the life of Sadé Roxanne Ross hahaha bad ass!" Sadé said and we all couldn't help but giggle.

"Let's go and eat I'm starved!" Sadé said once again and I couldn't help but admire how strong she is.

ROBYN  FENTY: A FORBIDDEN LOVE (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now