Chapter eleven- The heist

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Okay, Joker Leto is SO totally hot. My friend thinks I'm wierd because I think he's hot. Ugh, like go away Brinana (that's what me and my friend call her😋)

Before we left I threw a few things into his car. I looked back as J rushed down the road. I grabbed some different kinds of smoke bombs, two guns, extra magazines, and two gas masks. We got to the bank and I asked, "So are we going in big, or are we staying quiet?" He smiled, "We're going in big!"

I grabbed my biggest smoke bomb and shrieked, "YAY!" We got out of the car, made sure we had all our supplies then went up to the doors. I was on the left wall and he was on the right, I looked at him and he nodded. I threw the bomb in and it went off, we put our gas masks on, waited a minute, then we walked in.

I heard movement and pulled my gun out. The smoke cleared a few seconds later and there was an officer with his gun out pointing it at J, he was clearly almost ready to pass out but he was also about to shoot. I shot right by J and shot the officer. J looked at me and said, "Thanks doll!"

I walked up to him put my gun on his chin, "Didn't I tell you to not call me that." I then started to walk away when an alarm went off, "Shit! We didn't look around, someone must've gotten out of my smoke bombs range. I'll have to fix that next time."

I found a girl behind the desk and shot her, "We need to hurry!" Me and J ran down the hall, hacked the vault then grabbed as much money as we could. I got four bags and J got five, he looked at me and laughed, I gave him the death stare. We ran out of the vault to hear sirens.

We both laughed as we ran out, all the officers had their guns on us. I grabbed another smoke bomb and threw it, when the smoke cleared all the cops were confused because we had climbed on the roof. We started to shoot a few then I threw a toxic smoke bomb, "And people wonder why they call me smoke." J laughed.

We grabbed the money and started to run to the car, we got all of the money into the trunk when I heard gun shots, "Why aren't my bombs working today!" I shot at the officer and he feel on the ground, J was already in the car when I turned around and started to walk to the door.

The second I turned around the cop that I just shot lifted his head up and shot me in the leg, "SHIT!" I turned around, shot him in the head then got into the car. "J I got shot!" "WHO SHOT YOU!?!?!" He was defiantly angry, "Don't worry J, I killed him." While telling him this I tore my skirt and tied it tight above the wound to try and stop circulation.

I also tore another big chunk of my skirt off and put it on the wound, it hurt but I kept pressure on the wound. We were driving down the road when all of a sudden the cars bumper got hit, Batman was on our tail. I took my gun out and shot at him. Batman got right by our car and opened the door because Joker never locks his car doors.

I didn't have a seatbelt on so when the door was opened I tryed closing it and Batman grabbed me out of the car. Batman stopped the car a few seconds later trying to not hurt me. He then got out of the car, put handcuffs on me, then threw me in the car.

I started to pass out because I hit my head multiple times when being grabbed out of the car, the last thing I remember was Joker screaming and shooting at Batman.

I hope you like this chapter, I wasn't even planning on doing this but while making the chapter I thought it would be an amazing idea.

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