Chapter 8: New Girlfriend

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Ryan and Connor stood in the doorway, looks of shock on there faces. Connor was the first one to react. He gripped the back of Dillon's top, yanking him off me and onto his feet. Dillan swung at him and he doged it. Connor lifted his fist and punched him in the noes. Dillon held his face in his hands, blood seeping though his fingers. Ryan rushed to my side and crouched down.

"Tyla! Are you alright?" He asked, concern on his face. He looked at my bare torso and legs. "He didn't y-you know," he asked quietly. I shook my head weakly. The alcohol was starting to wear off, leaving me feeling tired and confused. I pulled my dress back to it's rightful place.

"Don't you ever touch her again, or you'll have more than bruises," Connor growled before punching Dillon with full force in the stomach. He doubled over in pain, before falling over backwards. Ryan picked me up under my legs and around my back, bridal style. I leant my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, soon falling into a well needed sleep.


My slumbers were filled with disturbing dreams. Not dreams as such, more like nightmares. I was back in the hospital room, Courtney's room. I watched helplessly as the life was drained from her body. I tried to scream. Not a sound came out. The floor opened up underneath me, swallowing me whole, dragging my sole from the world just as it had my sister.

I bolted up screaming. My breath was fast and uneven. The dress I was still wearing stuck to my sweaty body. My hair sat in a tangled mess at the top of my head. Dawn was breaking through the windows. I was back in the hostels. How did I get back here? What happened? My head ached and I must have bitten into the side of my cheek in the night. My tongue felt the ragged flesh and I tasted blood. I looked across the room to find Alice's bed empty. The clock next to me read 9:31. Someone knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in," I said in a croaky voice. Ryan entered the room.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked softly. I sat up with a struggle, leaning against the wall. He took a seat on the end of my bed.

"Horrible," I grumbled. He sighed.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" He asked. I tried to remember the events of the night, but I couldn't remember anything past dancing with Chase. I shook my head weakly.

"Not even with Dillon?" He asked slowly, like I was a five year old. It was like someone flipped a switch. I started piecing back the memories. I remembered being dragged upstairs and Connor and Ryan saving me, but nothing after that. I nodded my head, not trusting myself to speak.

"Connor dropped us home, and then you puked your guts up," He said with a shaky laugh. I groaned, burying my pounding head in my hands.

"I talked to Matt this morning, Dillon's being sent home tonight." I looked up at him in surprise.

"Thank you," I said sincerely. I pulled him into a hug.

"So you still up for the mall?" he asked.

"Grab me some pain killers and I'm in."


"I just want you to dance with me tonight," blared the tiny speakers on display. I picked up the small object in my hand. It was silver with one dark blue stripe.

"Hey guys, what do you think if this?" I called across the isle to Ryan, Joe and Alice. They came over to me.

"It's cute! And the sounds really good," Alice commented.

"Yeah I agree," Joe said. I rolled it over to look at the price tag.

"I'm going to get it," I decided.

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