Chapter 4: Hell week all over again

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A/N: hey guys! I am sorry, I am so sorry for not updating sooner! Katherine's playing DI (drill instructor) and her personal are regretting ever ticking her off. Annnnnd... your gonna find out something intriguing about Katherine Ramses, I'm not saying anything else. We will get to Rise of Cobra, I just need y'all to see Katherine's relationships with the Joes. Enjoy!

I do not own G.I.Joe or Jones! He belongs to my friend, TarynQuinn.

Chapter 4: Hell Week all over again!

" A spy's greatest weapon is their mind and their greatest gift is their wit. They can take away your weapons and gadgets but you will always have your mind." Katherine been saying this over the past few weeks since her department went under training, her way. Team Alpha helped along with her younger sisters, Estrella and Lyra to whip them up and in shape. Now after those three weeks, Hawk has given them access to go to a large city for a Covert Operation training exercise. "Move out and keep a distance. Blend in." she ordered. They followed her order out, perfectly. They made a lot of progress over the past weeks.

"Good job, twin." Estrella grinned to her idendtical twin.

"You too, twin." her twin, Lyra grinned the exact same way as Estrella. The Blondes watched their own handy work on Katherine's personal.

"That's still creepy, 'Doll." The British accent of Heavy Duty said as he approached, he always seemed to call Katherine 'Doll' in a brotherly fashion. "Remind me how your sisters can do that?"

"Skill and practice. Being with each other since the day they were born might have a factor in it too." Katherine chimed in, cheerily. She adjusted her black leather jacket with one hand and the other pushed the comms and said," Today were going to play a little game called 'Pass the Quarters'. You pass the quarters or 'info' to each other if me, Team Alpha, or my sisters see this transaction you fail. Simple as that, yes? No! You'll be asked a series of questions and you will have to complete assignments given to you by us. Do you understand?" Katherine received a chorus of 'yes ma'am' from the other end but one, what was his name, something Jones...

" Sounds like we are your gofers." he said, Smartarse as ever.

" You are. If I tell you to jump, you ask how high. Your exercise starts now." Katherine retorted, smoothly.

They hurried away, Estrella said," Man! Whata hothead!"

"But a Hottie too!" Lyra added to her sister's comment.

" Why, thank you." Jones' voice floated through the comms, the twins blushed madly.

" Nice seeing them flustered for once." Heavyduty laughed, Dominatrix rolled her eyes at them.

" Who twisted her britches?" Katherine asked.

Heavyduty burst in more endless laughter, Breaker chocked on his coffee nearly spilling the hot liquid over his equipment and the silent ninja cocked his head to Katherine. She smiled innocently at the Alpha Team. Snakeeyes signed,' What?.'

She shrugged," You know,'waking up on the wrong side of the bed'?" Saying Dominatrix did not like her was the understatement of the year, she loathed Katherine for some odd reason or another. Maybe Dominatrix viewed her as a threat to her network of ears she's built herself.

Heavyduty subdued his laughter to short gasps for breath and Breaker cleaned up his drink, saying how Katherine would have been responsible if his equipment was damaged in anyway but still smiled in good nature." It's just funny." Heavyduty said but the clad black ninja kept staring and she had no idea if he was smiling or glaring. She went with smiling, that's much more pleasant than giving someone the evil eye.

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