Nishinoya Yuu ~ Boyfriend

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"Urghhhhhhhh!" You yelled in frustration as you got stuck on another math problem and realised you still had three more pages of it. Looking for a distraction from the headache forming, you pick up your phone and scroll through any messages.

'Hey (Y/N)! Wanna go check out that new anime store tomorrow?' ~(F/N)

Deciding to give your otaku-of-a-friend an answer you typed back.

'Nah, I got stuff to do. Lets go another time though!'

You received a reply not long after that truly shows you how pervy (F/N) can be.

'Oooooo so your blowing me off for some 'special' time with Nishinoya-san? Someday you gotta let me write a yaoi, lemon fan-fic about you guys, and don't say no, cause I know u love my lemons ;)'

Blushing instantly remembering that you have indeed read (F/N)'s lemons, you decided not to fight it but to end todays texting with a simple warning of reporting them if they do. You were about to go back studying when, if on cue, your energetic and gravity-defying boyfriend texted.

'Hi (Y/N)! Practise just finished, mind if I come over? <3'

This made you smile brightly and ear to ear. Only when Yuu misses you or feels in a lovey dovey mood he sends hearts. Knowing this also made your heart flutter, if not, fly away.

'Of course! I've got a lot of math homework to do though :( , <3'

'No problem! I might even help a little if your lucky! ill be there in 5!'

After reading you facepalm. Why? Maybe its because you know for a fact Yuu is horrible at math and that you were actually the one that helped him get a passing grade,...Wait...Nishinoya Yuu...the best boyfriend ever... is coming over in less than five minutes. You squeal like a little fan girl and run, messily cleaning on the way, to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

After a quick clean and washing your face you stay near the door ready to answer...

Ten minutes. Ten and counting minutes your have waited for your beloved boyfriend. You waited one more minute before deciding to look out the door to see if his coming up the street. Nothing. A few people, but no short libero coming to claim you.

Giving up you went back inside, shut the door and held your forehead on it. "Where is he?" You complained out loud, sadness and fear overpowering every other emotion in your words. That was until two, muscular arms snaked around your chest and hugged you from behind.

"Surprise" A familiar, slightly deep voice stated. "Noya you bastard where were you!" " I was right here actually. I came through your bedroom window but you weren't there, so i've been watching you fuss over me not getting here" He said with a quite chuckle.

" You better pay me back for the time you cost me" You said with a pout big enough he could see it behind you. (if that isn't possible oh well, it is in fan fic world) You turned around in his grasp, quickly hugging him to try and hide the scarlet blush on your cheeks.

" Hehe ok ok don't have to tell me twice." You both made your way to your bedroom and flopped on the bed at the same time. Now, you were laying, facing each other, staring into each others eyes. No words were said as you enjoyed his warmth, your legs entwined with his and the total serenity you were feeling.

Yep, your boyfriend was truly the best boyfriend in the world.



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