Karma Akabane ~ Blush

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In this you r very confident and crafty like karma but plus some cleverness and minus evily-ness.

idk if u actually are or not but go along with it ok?

Hope u like this one!

On with the story!!!


What it looks like when a lion watches it prey is exactly what you look like now looking through the window of class 3-E. You have always been in A class, but now that the teachers and students now fear you for... some reasons. You were sent to the end class 'for the safety of the students'.

You walk in the old style classroom with your head high and chin up looking directly in the black pupils of what they call 'koro sensei' before looking in the eyes of every person in the class. One pair of which stare into your soul without your consent. You glare back at the pair until you decide to take in the owners appearance. Blush-red hair, golden brown eyes, a mischievous smile that's as sincere as a rock, makes up one, pretty attractive face. Well, to you anyway.

While Koro Sensei introduced you into the class, you took note to keep your distance from the red head until proven innocent. Which may never happen. You decided when walking to your desk, to start playing with the students of this class. As you pass future friends, you never lose eye contact with the pair of golden-brown eyes, before winking and flashing a look that said 'I don't know you, but lets go do the unthinkable and get someone to write a fanfic about it'. (OMG WHAT DID I JUST WRITE! IM NOT WRITING LEMON SRRY PEOPLE) (Now that I'm proof reading I sound like a total innocent little boy. I'm not ;) but you'll have to take my word for this cause I'm still not writing a lemon!)

Then you saw something you didn't expect from the red head. He blushed. Not much and barely noticeable, but, he blushed. You thought someone like him would laugh or have a look of 'you wish' or even copy your look back at you. Anything but blush. Maybe you got lucky and have a chance? Oh how you wish and hope.

But, blushes and all you had to behave the rest of the day. Behave meaning eye contact with the red head whenever the opportunity presented itself and playing with your classmates by spreading clever rumours and sexually confusing most of them.

After all your classes and playing with your classmates the same way Izaya Orihara plays with everyone in Durarara, you decide to play with the intriguing red head again. All day you have wanted to make him blush again to see that cute face, so what time is better then the present?

You confidently walk up to the red head whose name is surprisingly still unknown, and start the ever so small talk. "hii, I'm (L/N) (F/N) what's your name?" "Oh hello there!" Speaking in a posh-like, British accent, voice. "My name is Karma Akabane. But it would be lovely~ if you called me Karma" Now he has his shit-eating grin while you frown, deeply aware of the fact his being more childish than a 4 year old.

Finally having enough seeing his face without him blushing and knowing that your not going to get what you want anytime soon, you play your trump card. To use your trump card successfully, you need to use it quick and confidently. Oh how your going to love this.

Phone ready to take pictures, you take one step closer. Karma notices, and oh how you loved his face when he realised exactly what you were going to do. One step after another you get closer and closer to karma while he backs up getting farther and farther away.

Finally he hits dead end. Other known as the back of the classroom. "Dead end karma" You say with your own shit eating grin. You finally start leaning in, then finally centimetres away from his face. Only to see the shit eating smile other then the blush you were hoping for. Seconds later you were on the ground with Karma straddling your waist, before claiming your lips as his. Not even asking for entrance he enters his wet muscle already exploring every inch of your mouth.

After the kiss you were the only one with a blush as red as Karma's hair as he still had his shit eating grin. You also saw how he already taken pictures of it all, and later you realised he also stole your phone to put his number in.

Yep at the end the very blush that you were looking for, was found on your very on face. Damn Karma and his shit eating grin is gonna get it.



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