Juuzou Suzuya ~ Safe

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Hey everyone!!!


I'm so glad to have a decent amount of requests too!! I think I got around 3 so that should do for now ;3 but one was hide and I'm so sorry but last time I got asked to do hide I came up with nothing 😅😅

So next I'm doing Kaneki then maybe Handa-Kun from Barakamon. I haven't watched that yet so I may or may not have an idea for him :/ but I'll try!!

Oh and the person who requested this story asked for it to be 'nice'... I'm not good at doing nice ;-; especially with a character like Juuzou 😂😅 sorry if this sucks 🌚😂😂


On With The Story!!!


You felt shivers as you lay on a bed, alone in the darkness.
All your bad thoughts and memories are going though your head again, scaring you to the point of crying. The fear of being left alone was enough but now it included other thoughts such as, the fear of being eaten alive, the fear of losing your squad mates and, worst of all, the fear of losing the one you love.

Your mind shifts to some of your worst memories as you tuck your knees up, like you were trying to become a ball or as small as possible.

It's your fault
Your not strong enough
Your afraid
Your pathetic

You remember everything again. No matter how much you try and forget them they always come back, haunting you forever.
You remember being on your hands and knees, crying, while you can see nothing but red. You look up to see something no child should see, neither human nor ghoul.
Your parents lay lifeless in front of you as you try and shake them awake while staring into cold, dead eyes.

You stop shaking them and crying. You stare at your bloody hands with an expressionless face, angry at yourself for being weak. Your pathetic. Because you weren't strong enough you had to watch your parents being slaughtered by a S rated ghoul.

You swore that you would get your revenge. You swore that you would get strong enough to kill whoever did this and avenge your parents. You enrolled at the academy and trained as much as you could so you could finally kill the S rated ghoul. You weren't aware that no matter how much you tried, no matter how much you wanted it, that you would never be strong enough.

You fell into depression at the age of 13 and eventually stopped trying at everything. You stopped going to classes, you stopped studying, you never really left your apartment, not even when you got urged to by your friend Akira to try harder. You just couldn't, your pathetic.

Everything didn't change, that was until you met an unusual male. He apparently had been in your class for as long as you had been and watched as you slipped away into depression. He had asked Akira where and how you were. So Akira brought him with her to your apartment the next time she visited.

You barley replied when you heard Akira ask how you were, saying only simple replies like 'yes', 'no' and 'I'm fine'.
Although Akira knew of your past and knew you weren't fine. You were expecting a usual 'come on, you got to get out and about one day!' Or 'I hope your feeling better!' But instead you heard 'I brought someone with me today!'

You looked to see who she brought and then argue something like 'you shouldn't Bring people here' or 'I don't wanna socialise', but you ended up just staring into the eyes of the familiar stranger.
"Helllloo there!"

Ever since that visit you had been feeling better and better. You had gotten to know Juuzou and his past, exchanging it with your own. It wasn't long until Juuzou declared you as his and brought you to his apartment.
'Youuu, my dear, are going to stay here with me from now on! No more stinky apartment" He said holding his nose.

After that, Juuzou had been there always helping you and aiding you. You had started studying and training again and leaving the house to socialise with old friends. You still had really bad moments but they were getting less and less frequent.

One day, Juuzou got you up at 2am and dragged you out of the house with a determined look. He didn't say anything, and he was stronger, so you just gave up and went along with him.

You start ascending up many stairs, and after being inside for many weeks you became unfit and skinnier so you weren't very suited to climb a hundred or so freaking steps!

After getting to the top, Juuzou was practically dragging you, before sitting you down comfortably on a seat and sitting next to you.
Juuzou did nothing but look into the darkness of which the seat was facing without speaking a word, so you did the same before slowly looking over to him. When he noticed you looking at him with a confused look, he gave you a goofy smile and moved your ahead back to looking forward.

A few minutes later the sky brightened up as the sunrise came over the horizon. Oh were engulfed in the beauty of the sunrise while listening to, now awake, birds chirping.
Juuzou let you have a few minutes admiring it before saying 'Sensei brings me here after a stressful day, I thought you would like it' before giving yet another goofy smile.

Juuzou then pulled out his sewing equipment and red string while moving closer to you. You were still admiring the sunrise before he started sticking a thin needle into your ring finger.
You moved in shock before seeing the look on Juuzous face. It was like he was pleading to you to let him do it while also promising it won't hurt much.

You gave a hesitant nod before giving your hand back to him. Then, after minutes of endurance and way more pain then he said, Juuzou finished, revealing the red string around your ring finger in the same pattern as the one on his arm.

"Every time you see this you will think of me, and that will make you happy!" He cheered. You smiled and chuckled a thankyou before hugging him.

"OWWW" You woke suddenly to a pain in the same ring finger. Juuzou was at your side replacing the red string he had put in a few months ago. "You gotta change the string at least every few months so that the colour doesn't fade." He said with his loved and  goofy grin.

"Haha, thanks Juuzou" You said. Remembering how lucky you were to have Juuzou.

As long as your with Juuzou, you always know your loved, and safe.


Annnnnd done!!!

I think I have stuffed up the ending :/ oh well, hope you guys liked it!! Or at least I hope it's readable 😂😂😅

Next is Kaneki, and I'm gonna finish Barakamon soon so yay! I'm not accepting any requests though!! You can still request but I won't really take note of it until I finish these two. Sorrrrrrrryyyyyyy

Btw guysss!! I mentioned this before but I think I got the user wrong :3 but anyway! I have an Insta which is @otxku_dude and that's where I'm going to post any news and that about my stories and other anime related stuff ^.^

Thanks for reading!! Bye everyone!!

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