Kuro/Sleepy Ash ~ Maybe

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Haiii everyone!!!

Omg this has gotten so many reads and votes!! Tysm everyone who has added this to their library, voted, commented and followed me!! And of course all those ghosties who don't interact a time all tysm 😹!!

I have literally only one idea for this that might sound good at first but it's gonna be so hard to write so it's gonna probz be shit this time :/ Kuro is actually a rlly hard one to write, I couldn't find any other stories either.

I haven't watched much of Servamp either so Srry if it doesn't fit in with the storyline or any personalities are off, also I'm not gonna add any other characters from Servamp in here, except Mahiru. Because of this, (E/N) means Enemy Name, so you can pick whatever bad guy/s you want ;3

I think that's it! So sorry for the long AN!!


"Ashy! Drink my blood!"

You shouted, demanding your Servamp to drink your blood to overcome an impossible task. "No" Said Sleepy ash, the one who you named 'Ashy' due to his coal black fur in his cat form.
"Obey dammit!! Otherwise we will never make it through this" You nearly shouted, trying to get as much urgency across in your voice as you can. "I want this nearly as much as you, but there is no way I'm drinking your awful blood." 'Ashy' argued, trying his best to add any emotion to his voice, but nothing was working and it came out as boring as any other time.

"DRINK MY BLOOD OR NO RAMEN FOR A MONTH" You said, knowing exactly what to say to get him to do anything you want. 'Ashy' only looked up with you with a confused face, looking as though it was a tough decision. Then all he did was look back at your foe and boringly say... "No"

Your jaw dropped the lowest it's been for years. You have had 'Ashy' as a Servamp for more than a year now, and dating him for more than 3 months, and yet you haven't found anything he hated more than your blood. But to give up ramen? Hehe maybe you could use his hatred for your blood to finally make him get off his lazy ass and do something.

Although, you couldn't talk. You were just as lazy as 'Ashy' and if not, more. In fact, your laziness was the very thing that got you into the situation you were in.
You wanted 'Ashy' to drink your blood so that you both could finish an unbeatable level in your favourite game. You both have been playing for hours and the only result of it was seeing the words 'Game Over' at least 100 times.

You smirked as you decided to play with 'Ashy' and use this new learned hatred to your advantage. You put down your controller and moved closer to 'Ashy' to try and get his attention. "(M/N), What are you doing?" You smirked as you knew that he knew exactly what you were planning.
Sadly, 'Ashy' wasn't into affectionate actions such as holding hands or kissing, unless one of 2 things happen.

1, He is in the mood to be affectionate, which is only after major battles where he was worried he was gonna lose you.

Or 2, when you forced him to. Right now, it's a 2.

Quickly, in one, swift move, you wrapped your arms around 'Ashy', preventing the lazy vampire to escape. You nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and took a sigh of complete happiness. You then moved to sit in his lap, much to 'Ashy's' disapproval. Although eventually giving up, after seeing how happy you seemed to be, finally being able to spend quality time with your beloved.

You were actually enjoying your time, until you got disturbed by a loud, annoying sound out side. You both ran out to find (E/N) and their Servamp. Luckily you were in the city so there was to much people around to start a fight.
The two foes ahead of you decided to start leading you both to a different area so you can start your high-action fight. They started heading to separate directions, probably trying to split you both up, succeeding with their plan. You and 'Ashy' split up with you going after the eve.

You were a decent fighter since you have been doing it for more then a year now. You were overly confident about your coming fight, while also being determined to get back to 'Ashy'. You were to focused on chasing the eve that you didn't realise that they were leading you to a dead end.

You were strong enough

You were tricked

You were weak

No one could stop 'Ashy' from hearing your pain-filled, blood-curdling scream while the enemy had their way with you. 'Ashy' felt numb, weak, like the he has died with only a void left in the spot where his heart should be. (E/N)'s Servamp then took its chance to take down 'ashy', although not killing him, leaving him limp and injured in an alleyway, heartbroken and afraid in his cat form.

'Ashy' tried so hard to save you. But he couldn't. That's why he didn't move at all, even days after that. Only moving after a new face, a teenager, picked him up believing he was a normal cat.

Maybe this time he can protect his new eve.

Maybe he can try harder

... Maybe...


Annnnnnddddd Done!!!

I lost so much inspiration in the middle of this 😅 I'm not sure if that's how Mahiru found Kuro tho, I have bad memory some times :3 oh well

Awwww this one doesn't look as long or as good as my last one :( but I hope you guys r satisfied!

It didn't have much of the relationship fluff stuff either, sorrrrryyyyyy!!

I not gonna give you guys options this time, so plz request any character I've said options of or any fictional character you like ;3

I think that's it so baiiiiiii Tysm for reading!!

Word count ~ 1021

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