We walked into the huge arcade that the guys had been to a million times. I was ready to play some lazer tag and all those dancing games. Yeah those are fun. We walked around a bit until some guy came up to us. He wasn't back looking either. "Hey I see you guys are back.", he said with an obviously fake smile. "Yeah now if you would excuse us we're going to play some lazer tag.", Ashton replied looking mad. We all started to walk again, but he came after us again. "Woah woah who is this?", he asked motioning to me. "I'm Jordan.", I spoke in my usual happy tone. "I'm Kevin what are you doing hanging around with these losers?", he questioned me making me a bit mad. Nobody talks about my friends that way. "These amazingly awesome swagaliciously cool guys are my friends.", I spat at him in disgust. He lost all my respect. "Whatever. What do you say we ditch this place and I take you out.", he offered. Are you serious he just asked me out? "No.", I simply replied. "Ok I'll make you a deal if you can beat me in one round of lazer tag just us two I'll leave you and these guys alone.", he said. "Um and if I lose?", I asked.
"You have to go out on a date with me tomorrow night and you have too kiss me at least once.", he smirked. I knew I could beat this guy. I looked back at the boys who gave me that look. Ashton then mouthed to me "do- it". My eyes narrowed and I shook his hand. "Meet me at the lazer tag thing in about 20 min. that'll give you time to do 2 rounds of practice.", he told me before walking away. "What a jerk.", I spoke making them all look at me. "Tell me about it.", Calum said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
I am so mad! What if she doesn't win then she has to go on a date with that jerk Kevin that I hate so much. We've hated each other since like 2nd grade. Also not to mention that on the date she has to KISS HIM! Ugh why is this happening. I mean I believe that she can win, but Kevin is the best around when it comes to lazer tag. I have to stop over thinking this. She's gonna win that's final.
We made our way over to the lazer tag thing and I was ready. Once I get the hang of using these guns I'm sure I'll be able to beat him. I hope I beat him anyway. He may be cute, but he's a jerk and I pick niceness over cuteness anyday, but Luke he has both. Ugh I just wish I knew how he felt. I like him so much and he doesn't even know it. We went into the lazer tag course after getting our vests and guns. I've used these types before so this should be easy to get the hang of. I was put in a different course than the other guys so I could get practice with the best guys here. Kevin is the best I heard, but these guys are apparently really good too. The boys will also be able to monitor me as I'm in the thing because there are cameras.
Me and the boys are doing one round next though so we can have together. I heard the siren go off saying that it had started. I started to wander around the course still not being able to see the least bit considering my eyes weren't used to this yet. After a minute or so I could see clearly and I saw where everyone was hiding secertly aiming at each other. None of them shot at me so I took this chance to hide. I went behind a thing that looked my size against the wall. I got down on my knees into a shooting position and I saw one sneak through the plain carefully not making a sound. The only thing you could hear was soft breathing all around.
I looked over and saw a guy behind something. There was a small hole I spotted and I shot right there directly hitting him making him dead because he'd already been shot twice before this. It's just like the nerf war you get 3 lives and the you're dead. I laughed as he got mad and walked out of the room. Another guy ran across and I shot him twice and he was dead. "Where the heck did that even come from?", he shouted walking out with the other guy. I then saw a hot boy walking by. I ducked back down because I think he saw me. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I started to freak out. I didn't want to run or I would get caught for sure. I then was about to run, but tripped and fell down on my face. Ow that hurt a bit!
I heard someone run towards me. "Hey are you ok?", a deepish male voice asked. "Yeah I'm fine.", I reassured him making him smile at me. "That's good I'm Cody by the way.", he said shaking my hand. "I'm Jordan and shouldn't you be shooting me or something right now?", I cocked my head to the side in question. He just chuckled a little. "Nah I'm going to give you 10 seconds to run because you fell. So I'll see you when this is over and one more thing. I'm going to need your number after this.", he winked and I giggled running away and finding a new hiding spot. There are only 2 guys left in the game including Cody. I saw the other guy hiding. I could see his back, but he couldn't see me so I shot him 3 times making him dead. All that's left is me and Cody. He has 2 lives left so I gotta find him and get this over with.
I snuck over to where I saw a light and noticed that he was "hiding" from me. I shot his back once getting his attention after I quickly hid behind one of the pole things. I shot him one more time. "Yay I win in your face Cody!", I yelled to him. He just laughed at me as I did a little victory dance. "Ok ok now come on.", he said grabbing me as we left the course. "Ok I need your number.", he spoke and I giggled. I took out a pen and wrote it on his hand. "I'll call you later and good luck against Kevin!:, he yelled and winked at me. "Thanks!", I screamed back as he walked out the door. "Ready for this guys cause I kicked all those guys' butts?", I asked them and they all smiled at me except Luke who looked a bit sad and mad. I wonder what's wrong. I took him away from the guys as they tried to figure out their vests. Luke already had his on.
"Luke don't worry I'm going to win and even if I don't there is no way I'm going on a date with Kevin! I mean ew!" I screeched and scrunched up my nose for effect. He just laughed at me and gave me a hug. I hugged back automatically. "I'm sorry I've been acting so weird. I'm just maybe a little jealous of all these guys staring at you I mean you were our friend first so you know I just wanna protect you.", he whispered in my ear. "It's ok Lukypoo now let's go inside and shoot each other with lazers and kick some butt against the other guys.", I said and he laughed at me. Of course I beat all of them and then before I knew it the time had come for me to go head to head with Kevin.
I love writing this book it's so much fun thank you to all it's readers hehe :)

Just a New Girl (5SOS fanfic)
FanfictionHi I'm Jordan Smith and this is about my life turning upside down when I move to Australia and leave all my friends/band mates behind.