"Your claustrophobic? Babe why didn't you tell me I would've helped you.", he said smiling. I was happy that he said that I was afraid he was going to blow up because Niall helped me. "Thanks.", I spoke quietly. "Anytime, but who was that guy that helped you?", I knew that was coming. "Um he was Niall Horan and he's the best friend of my um... my um ex.", I told him slowly. His face got hard. "Your ex? Who's your ex?", he asked and I just sighed. "Harry Styles.", I whispered. He looked shocked. "How did you even meet him or them what?", he grew confused and a little angry. "I met them in California. Me and Harry ran into each other on the street. After that we kind of just started hanging out and we ended up dating for 5 months. They were in Cali for about 3 months and 2 months later we realized that we couldn't stay together because of the distance.", I explained and he looked mad still.
"So he broke up with you and broke your heart what kind of guy does that?" he screeched. "The kind that is sweet and knew what was best for the two of us. He just wanted me to be happy with someone who could make me happy. He's not a bad guy he's the sweetest guy I've ever met!", I yelled in anger and his face softened. "He is.", he whispered and I nodded my head. "You thought you were. Ha! You being sweet is the best joke I've ever heard. When I met you you were sweet but now that I know you you aren't even close.", I spat. I can't believe I just said that. "I can't believe you just said that. If you really think that way then why don't we just break up!", he shouted and yes that did hit me in the heart, but I am going to stay to my point. "If that's what you want!", I yelled back. "It is I'm outta here. Just don't talk to me again. I thought you were different, but I was so wrong. Your just like every other girl. Mean, selfish, concetied and just terrible worst of all you never know when to stop. You push someone down when you know your stronger and you kick them on the ground. You don't stop until you've won permenantly and I can't believe I didn't see that!", he told me disgustedly before slamming the door behind him.
At first I just sat there in shock and then when it all settled in is when I started to cry. I couldn't hold it back I just can't believe that happened. That I said that that he said that. What we both said. I just lost the best thing in my life. I can't believe I did that. I called someone who I knew I could talk to even if I haven't talked to him in almost a year. I called Harry...
"Hey Harry. It's Jordan."
"Oh hi! What's up?"
"Nothin I just need someone to talk to because the girls and guys are out."
"Oh what about Luke?"
The tears started rolling. "Um I can't talk to Luke we um we broke up. We just had a big fight and I-I need someone to talk to." , I cried into the phone.
"Hold on what's your address?"
"(random address)"
"Ok I'll be there in like 20 minutes. Just hold on ok babe?"
The line went dead and I stayed silent. It's like Harry is a knight in shining armour coming to rescue me. I just kept crying before it had been 15 minutes and Harry burst through the door without knocking, but I don't care I just need somebody here right now. He came over and hugged me, without question I hugged back. "So explain to me exactly what happened.", he spoke with his deep british accent that I missed so much. "Um we had a huge fight and he broke up with me and stormed out but I did start the fight well we both did, but I just I don''t know I love him, but I think I love someone else...", I explained. "Who?", he questioned. "I think I l-love you", I said slowly.
"You do?", he asked surprised. "Yeah um sorry if that was awkward.", I apologized. "Don't apologize I love you too I haven't stopped thinking about you since we met. Your sparkling eyes. Your smile and the way you flip your hair. Everything it drives me crazy that I couldn't be with you. Do you maybe wanna try again?", he questioned and something in my heart said yes, but my head was telling me no. I nodded my head and grabbed my face and smashed his soft lips into mine. I kissed back and then I heard someone come in the door. I pulled back and looked to see who it was. I saw Luke standing there in shock the look on his face read complete and utter betrayl.
"I um came back to apologize for what i said. I um I'm sorry. I gotta go.", Luke stuttered before running out. "Luke wait!", I yelled after him. "I'm sorry Harry, but I need to go get him!", I told him and I ran out the door into the pouring rain. I saw him running and ran after him before he could turn the corner. "Luke wait I need to talk to you.", I told him after grabbing his arm. "What was that? So we break up and 10 minutes later your in your house kissing your EX!", he screamed. "Luke he kissed me I'm sorry!", I yelled. "You kissed back though! Your not sorry you know your not!", he shouted. I sighed. "Luke I'm not sorry I kissed him because honestly I liked it. No one has ever kissed me the way he does not even you. He told me he loves me and you never told me that ever since we got together. He makes me feel special unlike you ok I do love you Luke, but it's hard to love you when you don't love me back. So go ahead and run from your problems, but just know that I do love you.", I gushed and he stopped trying to pull away.
I tried to walk away, but he pullled me back and held me close. He kissed me and I pulled away after a little bit. "I-I gotta go.", I told him. "Jordan wait. I love you.", he spoke before I smiled and walked away.
Sorry this one was so dramatic but i cried writing it just saying

Just a New Girl (5SOS fanfic)
FanfictionHi I'm Jordan Smith and this is about my life turning upside down when I move to Australia and leave all my friends/band mates behind.