We have been hanging out with the boys a lot lately and I'm beginning to think that Ashton only thinks of me as a friend. I mean I like him a lot, but he doesn't show any emotion towards me just simple replies. I got along the best with him from the start and I really wanna just tell him how I feel. You know what I'm gonna do it right now! Ok maybe not right now. "Ashton can I talk to you in the other room?", I asked. Danget brain I said not right now! "Um sure.", he said awkwardly and walked into the other room with me. Well I guess it's now or never. Here it goes. "Ashton I...", I spoke before I was interupted by a pair of lips meeting mine. He pulled away and I looked at him silently blushing madly. NOt even kidding my face probably looked like a tomatoe right now.
"What was that?", I asked. "I like you Brook. I mean like a lot I've been too scared to tell yo, but after you said you wanted to talk to me I thought now would be the chance so... Um will you like be my girlfriend?", he explained and I was in full on shock. "You like me I thought you didn't!?", I whisper-yelled. "You thought I didn't like you? Brook I like you so much that I was too scared to talk to you. That's why I was always quiet. Trust me normally I'm loud.", he told me and I smiled. "Yes.", I replied. "Yes what?", he asked. "Yes I'll go out with you.", right as the words left my mouth Ashton had lifted me into a hug and I was literally lifted off my feet. Nothing could make this day better.
Me and Luke walked out to his car and were going up to the girls' apartment. I had gotten a text from Brook telling me to get there ASAP because she has something to tell me. I wonder what it could be?
We have been waiting for Jordan and Luke to get here so Brook can tell us the "big news". I still don't have any clue at all what it is. All I know ia that Ashton and Brook keep smiling like idiots. After about 10 minutes of waiting Jordan and Luke finally walked in. "It's about time you showed up.", Jayden said smiling. "LUKE WE MISSED YOU!", all the boys shouted and Jordan just stood there laughing. "What about me?", she asked. "Psshhhh your mean we don't like you!", Calum stuck his tounge out at her and I laughed at them. She hugged them all tightly whether they wanted to be or not.
How can I put this? Ok I'll play it off smoothly. "Me and Ashton are dating!", I screamed. Ok not so smooth, but it still worked out. They all looked at me in shock and I was smiling. "OMG I'm so happy for you!", the girls said simltaniously like it was planned out. They all came to hug me and Jordan ran over to Ashton. "You guys like ignored Ashton. That was just cruel.", she said holding tightly onto him. I have to admit I did get a bit jealous when she did that, but I need to learn to deal with it. They were friends before so I need to respect that.
I breathed deeply and sighed after she finally let go of him. "I'm gonna go to the kitchen.", I spoke and left the room. "Wait babe I'll come with!", Ashton shouted and a chorus of aw's filled the room. "What's wrong?", Ashton questioned after seeing my facial expression. "Nothing it's fine. I'm fine.", I replied and he of course didn't believe me. "Tell me what's wrong c'mon.", he urged and I gave in. "Jordan was like all over you.", I told him and he looked confused. The he straightened out. "Oh I see you got jealous because me and Jordan are best friends.", he smiled. "Maybe a little.", I showed him with my fingers.
"Oh babe don't be jealous.", he said smiling and laughing a bit too. "I'm not!", I pouted. "You just said you were!", he declared. "Yeah, but maybe I didn't mean it.", I smirked. "Sure you didn't.", he rolled his eyes playfully and hugged me around my waist. "Don't be jealous your the first girl I've ever really liked so you have nothing to worry about.", he reassured me. Well I sure hope not. I smiled at him and we went back into the living room.
I am so happy for Brook and Ash. They are so cute together and I hope they last a long time. "Hey guys I gotta go, but I'll see you later.", I said and left to go get ready for me and Luke's date. "Wait.", Luke called after me. "Yeah?", I asked. "Why you leaving?", he questioned. "Because I'm gonna go get ready for our date.", I smiled and he blushed a little. I love how I can still make him blush! "Alright bye babe I love you!", he exclaimed. "I love you too.", I told him and kissed him on the cheek before waving goodbye.
I left for my house stealing Luke's car because I know he won't care. After all I am his girlfriend and everything. I ran out to his car and turned on the car with a hum. Songs started to play on the radio and then Midnight Memories came on. I freaked out at first, but before I could sing it I got a call from Madison. "This better be important you interupted One Direction.", I told her into the phone. "I'm pretty sure it's important.", she said. "Well then what is it?", I asked. "Um me and Harry are dating.", she spoke quietly and I got the biggest smile on my face. "I knew you two would start dating I just knew it!", I yelled into the phone.
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever, but I gotta go don't forget to introduce me to your friends later.", she reminded me. "I totally forgot and me and Luke are going on a date tonight!", I got mad at myself for forgetting about it. "It's ok have fun on your date bye!", she reassured me and I smiled. THe line went dead and I pulled up in front of my house. Well looks like it's time to get ready for my date!
omg ashton and brook i need to think of their ship name...........
Now we have...... BRASHTON AND LORDAN AND HADISON!!!!!!!!!!

Just a New Girl (5SOS fanfic)
FanfictionHi I'm Jordan Smith and this is about my life turning upside down when I move to Australia and leave all my friends/band mates behind.