Ever since Cody said that I can't help, but feel butterflies in my stomach around him. He makes me feel special I mean I still really like Luke, but Cody I have a chance with. Luke is way too good for me and deserves better. I don't even understand why I thought I would have a chance with him in the first place.
Look at those two over there laying together on the couch. That should be me not cody me. I saw her first and ever since that moment she's the only thing on my mind. She obviously doesn't like me so why should I even try. She wants to be with Cody and besides she's way too good for me anyways. I turned my attention away from them and looked at the TV. We had already finished the Vow and now we're watching some Miley Cyrus movie. I think it's LOL, but I don't know. All I know is that I'm dying inside just watching those two mindlessly flirt. I hate this why is this happening to me.
"Ashton i need to talk to you.", I told him. I go to him for everything. "Sure what is it?", he whispered to me. I took him upstairs and pulled him into his room. "Ok dude I like Jordan and I am dying she's so cuddly with him and she probably doesn't even like me and I just I don't know what to do.", I let it all out. I needed to tell someone and Ashton was my only hope for keeping it. "I know.", Ashton whispered. "I just thought you would be the only one who wou.. Wait what you know?", I questioned. "Dude it's so obvious I'm sureprised that she doesn't see it herself.", he laughed. "I wish she knew, but I can't tell her and neither can you.", I warned and he put his hands up in defense. "I got it I won't do anything, but maybe you should let this play out. Tell her only when the time is right though.", he explained and I smiled. We walked back downstairs and I heard a conversation.
"So I was wondering if maybe you um wanted to go on a date sometime?", I heard Cody ask. No no No NO NO! This can't be happening. "Uh yeah sure.", Jordan giggled and I walked around the corner. "Oh hey Lukins! Where have you been I missed you!", she smiled at me and I couldn't help, but smile even though I'm mad. "I was just upstairs for a bit.", I mumbled. "Ok come sit here by me Cody's lap is getting uncomfortable.", she pointed to Cody and he frowned. "No offense.", she whispered and he smiled again. I walked over and sat by her. She rested her head on my lap and her feet on Cody's. "See Cody now his lap is soft and yours is as hard as a rock and hurts my head.", she pointed out. "Your mean.", he pouted. "Well I'm so sorry for being myself.", she giggled. I love this I honestly do. He started to tickle her feet and she squirmed around and fell off the couch. I couldn't help, but laugh at her reaction to that.
"You guys suck I'm gonna go over here and sit with Calum and MIchael.", she walked over to the two guys on the couch and sat inbetween them laying down just like she did with us. She stuck her tounge out and I laughed at her. Michael and Calum started to tickle her just as we did. "ASHTON THEY'RE ALL BEING MEAN TO ME!", she yelled and ran to Ashton who was standing in the door way. She jumped into his arms and he carried her bridal style over to his chair. She sat on his lap all craddled up and her arms around his neck. "It's ok I won't let them tickle you anymore.", he told her giving us all death glares. I got up and walked over to her. "I'm soweee Jordan.", I said and she laughed. She kissed my forehead. "You are forgiven Lukins.", she then pushed me away and I smiled. She smiled back and Cody went up to her. "I'm sorry too Jojo.", he spoke. "You are not forgiven because you started it.", she said and he pouted. "Pweeeeeze.", he begged. She kissed his cheek. "Fine I forgive you.", she rolled her eyes and he smirked walking away.
I forgave everyone finally after about an hour of begging and Ashton just sat back and watched it all. I got up from his laugh to go get more food and the guys just sat in the other room getting the video games ready. I made popcorn and found Ashton's hidden candy stash. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where an empty controller was calling my name. I ran for it with my food and set it in front of us all. We started playing call of duty black ops and we made teams. Me Ashton and Calum were on a team and Luke Cody and MIchael on the other. It was fun we had all these different maneuvers planned out so it worked perfectly and of course we won. "YAY TEAM UNICORN CUPCAKES WINS!", I shouted and they looked at me questioningly. "What it's the first thing I thought of?", I shrugged. "That explains a lot.", Ashton commented. I pushed him and he threw popcorn at me. I threw skittles at him. "FOOD FIGHT!", Ashton screamed and I just started throwing random food at everyone.
By the end of the fight I was covered with the most food, but I still feel like a winner considering that I got food down all the guys' shirts. "Why did we do this again?", I asked looking at the huge mess we made. "I don't know, but we better get it cleaned up before my parents get here.", Ashton sighed and it took us an hour just to get everything out of the carpets and off of the curtains. I sat down and breathed in heavily. "Tired?", I heard Cody ask. "A little, but I don't wanna get up to go change or anything.", I told him. "Your not too tired just too lazy.", he smirked. I hit him on the arm and walked off to Ashton. "Hey Ashypoo can I borrow some clothes and take a shower?", I questioned and did a puppy dog face. "Yeah go ahead just raid my closet and drawers as long as I get my stuff back.", he warned and I ran up the stairs.
I took out his clothes and headed for the shower. I stepped in and just took a quickie it only took about 6 minutes. I changed quickly into Ashton's clothes and ran downstairs. "You look absolutely fabulous!", Michael said in a girly voice. I giggled and struk a pose. "Why thank you darling, but we all knew that. Obviously I'm the only one who can pull off this look.", I strutted out of the room and sat next to Cody. "So is that date tomorrow?", I asked him. "Yeah I'll pick you up at 7.", he smiled. I smiled back and went to talk to Luke. "Hey Lukins what goes on?", I questioned and he smiled. "Um life, the world everything pretty much.", he commented. "Don't be such a smart alic.", I told him. Before I knew it it was time for all of to go home so we all left and I went home to bed.
sorry it took me a while for this one :)

Just a New Girl (5SOS fanfic)
FanfictionHi I'm Jordan Smith and this is about my life turning upside down when I move to Australia and leave all my friends/band mates behind.