Me and Luke went over to my house to watch movies and once we got there he set me down on the couch. "I'm gonna go make popcorn.", Luke said before leaving the room to go to my kitchen. I nodded and turned on the TV before getting up and putting in the movie Mean Girls. Once Luke had finished in the kitchen he came in the room and right when Luke sat down there was a knock on the door. I sighed getting up to answer it. I opened the door only to see Ashton, Calum and Michael standing in front of me with 3 pizzas. "Hey guys what are you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with the girls?", I questioned. "We decided it would be better to hang out with two of our favorite people instead. What movie you guys watching.", they told me and I smiled. "Mean Girls.", I spoke while they set the pizza down on the table.
"Yay I love that movie!", Michael screamed and I laughed. I missed these boys. We all got situated for the movie and were all laying down on the floor with pillows and blankets. I was between Ashton and Luke and they kept stealing my pizza and practically torturing me throughout the whole movie. I had just been sitting there quietly and they decided to tickle me. "STOP STOP STOP IT!", I yelled as they tickled my sides. I was literally dying from laughter and Calum and Michael were doing the same. "This isn't fair!", I shouted at them. "Oh how is that?", Ashton asked. "Because you guys are both bigger than me and I'm stuck in the middle.", I said calmly after they had stopped tickling me. I was breathing hard and trying to get back to normal which seemed almost impossible at this point.
After the movie was over we decided to do something like old times. We got outside and headed towards the arcade. "LAZERTAG TIME!", me and Calum chorused. As we walked towards the arcade we were going past the park and noticed that the girls were there with some other guys that they had probably just met. Ashton looked over and seemed a bit mad. He was about to walk over there when I pushed him back and the guys grabbed his shoulders. "Ashton it's fine it's probably nothing.", I spoke before looking over my shoulder to see him push Brook's hair behind her ear and smile down at her. Typical guy move right before they kiss. Wait kiss! I let go of Ashton and ran over to them just in time to break them apart.
"Brook what do you think your doing?", I asked her. "Um I'm just talking to this guy since you know Ashton and the boys stood us up.", she complained. "They didn't stand you up they just came over to my house so we could hang out.", I explained. "Sure they just 'came over'. You don't have to lie. I know you like Ashton just stop hiding it already.", she gave me an attitude. I don't like attitude. "What are you talking about? You think I like Ashton?", I questioned. "It's so obvious! Why don't you stop hiding it? Just because you don't want Luke to know. What if I just went over and told Luke about your little thing for my boyfriend!", she shouted at me. "Don't you dare yell at me. How dare you threaten me for something that's not even true? I thought we were friends. I thought we really were turns out I was wrong.", I scoffed.
Taylor and Jayden had come over and were watching us fight. "Oh I'll do whatever I want to! I guess you were wrong. We aren't friends and if we aren't friends then your....... out of the band.", she told me and it all hit me. "Your kicking me out of the band?", I asked. Taylor and Jayden were just in complete utter shock. "Yes I'm kicking you out of the band. You were horrible anyway. We don't need you.", she spat at me with a glare. "Fine then if you don't need me then I don't need you. I guess you guys moving out here was a mistake.", I sighed and the other girls looked at me with sympathy. The boys had come over in the beginning and had apparently heard everything. "No the only mistake here is you.", she glared again and that one hit me really hard.
I looked at her for a moment before running off. "JORDAN! JORDAN WAIT!", I heard them faintly call after me.
"Brook what the heck was that?", Ashton asked after Jordan had run off crying like the little baby mistake she is. "I was just standing my ground and defending myself. She deserved everything she got.", I scoffed and looked at Ashton. Nothing, but dissapointment filled everyone's eyes. "Well I guess that's it for True Beat then.", Jayden sighed. "Why can't we just find a new singer?", I asked. "Because Brook she started the band and now you finished it! All of this is your fault!", Taylor screamed at me. Michael grabbed her and held her close while Taylor started to cry. I've only ever seen her cry once and it wasn't pretty. "I hope your happy Brook.", Jayden spat before everyone started to walk away except Ashton. "Ashton you'll stay right?", I asked. "No. Brook what you did to Jordan was terrible. I can't believe you would even do that. Plus you almost cheated on me. If it weren't for Jordan then what would have happened? Huh would you have done it? Jordan is the only reason you're here. She's the only reason we met. Think about it. Oh yeah and Brook.", Ashton told me. "Yeah?", I asked hopefully. "We're over.", he stated before running to catch up with the others.
I had continued running until I couldn't anymore. I was tired of running. I sat down in an ally and just waited. I waited for an answer. I need an answer for all of this. I don't even get what I did wrong. "I hate my life!", I screamed and put my head on my knees crying while the rain began to fall.
soooooorrrrrryyyyyy that this is so late but i hope you like it even though ya know um what happened between Jordan and Brook and then Ashton and Brook im sorry please dont hate me for it

Just a New Girl (5SOS fanfic)
FanfictionHi I'm Jordan Smith and this is about my life turning upside down when I move to Australia and leave all my friends/band mates behind.