.That's My Girl.

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Everyone took their places, myself included...Daryl took the tank and hid near the Sanctuary...Rick and the others are hiding too.
Michonne surrounded the Sanctuary with gas.
People from Kingdom and Hilltop were hiding in the woods, between trees.
My spot was on the tree...I climbed a large tree and settled.
Eziekel must arrive in 5 minutes...Saviors arrived at the destination.
I can hear my heart beats...I want this to end, and I know that we will end it...today.

I couldn't see who was in the car...but when Eziekel's truck arrived...a man came out of the car. It's Negan. He came.

N: Eziekel! It's been a long time pal.
E: Here's your supplies...but it's really unusual to see you around...if it wasn't for bashing someone's head.
N: Well! I decided to go out more oftenly...your lucky that I'm here.
E: Yeah right.

I can see that Eziekel is being sarcastic...even though I can't hear what they're saying.
They continued talking for a bit...
There are exactly 23 men with Negan...when our people starts shooting, it will be my turn to do my move. Then, we will enter the Sanctuary, and kill them all.

N: Next time I want more. But, for now...that'll do.
E: Oh I'm glad that you're satisfied.
N: Who told you I'm satisfied?
E: Because unless you're not...you're a pathetic, coward, worthless, ASSHOLE.

Negan stood there after Eziekel told him something...I guess it's time...this is the signal.

N: haha...I feel special.

Negan started walking around Eziekel .

N: Asshole. That's the perfect last word a person can say... Dwight! Put him in the truck.

As soon as Negan finished talking and Dwight started to move towards Eziekel...BOOM!
It's a shot from the tank...everyone started shooting...and I grabbed the RBG and shot towards the gas...
All I can see in front of me is flames...
Flames burning saviors bodies...Flames surrounding the Sanctuary.
People shooting with passion.
Negan being captured.
All these things are happening...and I need to step in, and fight.

Alexandrians entered the Sanctuary and started shooting saviors...I ran to help Eziekel and the others.
One thing we didn't expect happened...Negan ran away.
I went searching for him.

It's been one hour...Rick and the group got out of the Sanctuary with victorious faces. Daryl then joined them...people started cheering and applauding happily. Eziekel suggested to burn the Sanctuary to the ground.
He and Jesus gathered their people and marched back to their cars... leaving Rick and the others there...Unfortunately Tara's been shot...but I think it's not dangerous.

When I arrived in saw my people on their knees, Lucille laying on the ground behind him...he was holding a rifle. Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Tarah,Eziekel, and Jesus...they were all on their knees...Negan was behind them aiming the rifle towards them.

N: You really thought...that you will survive?
....I told you rick from the beginning...you are stupid. Now that I have nobody but myself, I'm gonna kill you all.

Negan aimed the rifle on Rick's head and ...BASH! Negan's body is now on the floor...I hit him with Lucille, and continued bashing his head more and more...I wanted to do this more than anything...I wanted to do this for my family...I wanted to do this for Aberaham, for Glenn...I continued hitting him with lucille until someone grabbed me from my back, it was Daryl.

D: Hey hey! It's over...it's enough. You're okay. We're okay.

Daryl hugged me into his chest.
I don't even know why I started crying...more than anytime before...It was tears of Anger, tears of Joy, Tears of relief, tears of...... victory.

D: That's my girl...we made it.
C: For your information...I'm happy.

Rick and the others came in and turned it into a group hug.
R: You always come in the perfect timing.

It was amazing...all of us holding each other...thanking each other...congratulating each other for the victory...it has always worked out when we're together.

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