chapter 7

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Frank's POV:

Day four of searching for Rookie and Gerard and we still haven't found them yet! I hope they're okay, I hope Rookie's okay.

We come to a meadow and park our bikes. As I step off the back of Mikey's motorcycle, I look between the branches of a tree. What I see in the meadow relieves me and makes me angry.

I see Rookie and Gerard sitting in the car and let out a sigh of relief. I look closer and see Gerard with his arm around her and her head resting on his shoulder.

Heck no. I start to walk towards them but pause when I hear someone behind me.

"Freeze!" I slowly turn around and see a member of BLI pointing a gun in the direction of Gerard and Rookie. Surprised, Gerard takes his arm off Rookie (thank god) and Rookie takes her head off his shoulder.

Little romantic moment ruined, Bam! Point Frank!

They hop out of the car and Rookie pulls out two guns from her side pockets and Gerard points his gun at the BLI person. Wait.... Rookie has a gun? Rookie has two guns? Two other BLI members come out behind the first.

Two seconds later a full on fight commences.
Rookie successfully shooting at the guy a few times, but him dodging the bullets. At one point a bullet grazes Rookie's arm and Gerard pulls her behind him. This has gone far enough, I pull out my gun and jump in front of Gerard and Rookie, shooting all the BLI members, they deserve it. For what they did to my parents....

I turn to see Gerard ripping a sleeve off his shirt and using it as a bandage for Rookie's arm and her giving him a hug. Alright that's it. "What the heck is wrong with you two !" I turn to them in anger.

Before they can answer I start ranting "Running away for four days? You could've been killed! And-" I stare wide eyed at Rookie's hair "What happened to your hair!"

I examine it in my hand "Your beautiful brown hair what did you do!"

"It was to disguise from BLI." She says shyly.

I turn to Gerard "You! You did this!" I point at him.

"It was to keep her safe!"

"And guess what Gerard, that didn't keep her safe! I could've messed up again!"

"Frankie!-" Rookie stands up.

"Stay here and don't move!" I drag Gerard over away from Rookie, leaving Mikey and Ray to comfort her.

"Stop hitting on my sister!" I whisper yell to Gerard once we're far enough away.

His face turns red "W-what do you mean?" He stutters.

"You know what I mean. Putting your arm around her, trying to keep her safe. And Gerard, you definitely know you could've used a rag in the car to bandage Rookie's arm."

"I-it could've gotten infected." He makes an excuse.

"Gerard! Cut the act! You definitely like her and- and, gosh I'm just glad you haven't kissed her yet." I put my head in my hands.


My head shoots up "You didn't."

"I'm sorry man!"

"You kissed my sister! Did you even ask me for permission?!"

"Uh, in all respect Frankie... I think legally she's allowed to make her own choices,"

I sigh in anger "Who am I kidding, of course she likes you! You're the exact opposite of me. I was always the overly protective older brother that honestly acted like she was still five and, you- you're the cool rebellious best friend that's always been there for her and-"

"Frank!" He interrupts me.

I ignore him "But you're not good for her! You don't think and she'll get into too much danger and trouble. Ju- Just stay away from my sister." I growl and walk back over to Rookie.

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