Chapter Sixteen: Fights and Flights

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I look around me. I'm in a wide open field. I'm surrounded by white mist.

"Jackson." Says a disembodied voice. I turn around to see them, but there's no one there. The voice had been brittle and rough, making me wonder what was wrong.

"I've been trying to talk to you." Says the voice. It's deep and clearly female.

"That wasn't Melody you had seen at cave." She says, and I remember the woman with too much skin moving back in the cave. "That is the unholy, the fallen, immoral. Fear her."

I consider this. The immoral. The unholy. The fallen.

"Daniel is trying to protect you. He failed yesterday, and that's why he disappeared. He's being punished."


"Yes. Punished. He is your guardian angel, obviously. Has he told you?"

"Wait, he's an angel?"

"Yes. He died when he was four. He was abused and then murdered by his dad. He still believes that he's alive, and that he's a normal kid, but only you can see him. That's because he's your guardian angel, spirit, or ghost. However you view it."

I try to take it all in. Daniel was dead. He wasn't a normal kid, I had known that much, but it was still a lot to process. My only friend besides my cousin is a ghost...

Suddenly, the woman appeared. She was wearing a thin and ripped dress. She had puffy hair and blew with the wind. Besides that, she didn't seem to have any clothes on.

She appears next to me, a blur of quick movement as she moved forward a thousand miles an our. She grabs my by the short collar, which I'm used to, and bites me in the shoulder, hitting a bruise and causing me to yell out in pain.

I watch in horror as her teeth sink slowly and deeply into my skin and flesh, the pain moving around my body. My arm gets wet with blood, and I squeeze it, causing almost unbearable pain.

I crumble to the floor, clutching my arm, which is almost all covered in blood. Everything goes completely dark.


I wake up several hours later, free falling.

The wind whistles in my ears, and I panic. I kick my legs, but then remember that does nothing. I know deep down that something will help me. I have confidence.

As I see the ground, I start to get afraid again. I try to calm my breathing.

My heart beats fast, and I lose all confidence. I am about two hundred feet from hitting the ground.

The moment I'm about to hit the ground, time freezes. Everything stops, and I realize it's probably in my dream world.

A screen pops up in front of me. It seems to be playing me live story.

I see myself as a baby in the orphanage, wrapped in a woman's arms. I see dad signing adoption papers, while my papa poked his arm. I see myself at about age one, being held and read to by papa.

I see myself at age two, playing with toy cars while nibbling on toast. I see myself at age two and a half, singing the abc's to my fathers in a happy voice, clapping after. I see myself at three, going to my first day of preschool, and being kicked and bullied for the first time for having two male parents. And then at three and a half, coming home in tears after being laughed at for art I was so proud of. I see myself at four, opening presents underneath the Christmas tree. I see myself at five, getting the top in my class in a math test, and then laughed at for being a nerd. I see myself around six or seven, being put into a concussion by Melody, one of my first bullies, but also my second friend. I see myself at eight, watching anime and smiling. I see myself at nine, running into my parent's room with fuzzy socks and singing loudly, announcing that it was my birthday. I see myself at age ten, cutting for the first time tears streaming down my face. I see myself at eleven, attempting suicide for the first time. I see myself at twelve on my first day of Jr. High, being shoved into a locker for being small. I see myself, the landmarks of my life, and the highlights, and the saddest parts. I realize that I'm way too warm hearted. I realize that I was once the happiest kid ever.

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