Chapter Fourteen: Bloodstained Blades and Lemonade

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I wake up in a strange environment. I seem to be in a cave, with stalactites and stalagmites. The stalactites drip a red liquid, that looks slightly like blood. Maybe it is blood...

All around me, it's dark, but has a red misty glow to it, so that you can vaguely see where you're going. I look around in search of Dan, but he's not there. I look for Melody, or Papa, or Dad, but I'm completely alone.

I close my eyes, telling myself I was okay, but I wasn't. I walk forward, trying not to step on stalagmites or bugs running around. I see a figure. It's transparent, but I can make out it's shape. It's a woman, who couldn't be older than eighteen. She had short hair, tied back into a pony tale. She could've been beautiful, when she didn't look like a ghost. "Hello, Jack." She says, in a deep voice, no louder than a whisper. "We've been awaiting you.

I clench my fists, slightly scared. My voice shook as I asked, "W-who's 'we'?"

"You'll see." She dissappears as quickly as she came. I feel my heartbeat go fast. The thud. The drip of the water falling from the stalagmites. The sound is pounding in my ears. It's all I can hear. Too quiet. I'm being trapped into my own thoughts, pulled into own imagination, which is a black pit you don't want to fall into. It resembles Tartarus, kind of.

I hear screaming. A piercing, terrified scream. My heart goes faster, and my brain is telling me to run, but for some reason I can't. I tell myself it's a nightmare. I tell myself I'll wake up like I always do. But I can't wake up.

I continue forward, ignoring my own thoughts as I go. It's a dream. That's all it is. 

I see another figure appear. She's clearly dead, but she's not transparent like the other one. She looks like a normal person, except for some things. Seven of her toes are missing, and her legs are covered in peeling skin and blood showing underneath. She has a large bloodstain in between her hips and her stomach. One of her arms has a gaping part missing, like a chunk was ripped off. Blood streams down all of her clothes and arms. Her head is the worse. Her lip is bleeding, like the rest of her. Her cheeks are cut and bruised. A chunk of her skull was missing, the left side of her scalp and down to her ear. Her right eye was cut down the middle. She had a black eye and several cuts. A knife lies in her hand, and it's covered in blood.

"You did this, Jack." She says, and I realize that this was Melody. "It's all your fault." She says quieter, but her eyes filled with hatred as she looks at me. Tears start to form in my eyes, and I back up against the wall. She walks toward me, a limp in her step. "NOW YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!!" she says, and it blasts in my ears. I can't scream. My voice isn't working. I'm petrified in fear. Tears stream down my cheeks and my heart races and I am so confused.

I see a figure appear behind her, and she screams in agony before crumbling to dust. I stare in fear at the boy who stands before me, but then realize that it's Dan, who kisses me on the cheek. "I'm so sorry I couldn't have been here before... I was busy..."

All I can do is nod, while I try my best to calm down. 

We shadow travel back home, and everyone's asleep. It turns out that it was about two in the morning. I collapse onto my bed, where Leary jumps up and starts to lick my cheeks. She finally gives up and lays on top of me. 

I try to sleep, but can't get the thought of Melody out of my brain. She was so scary... I didn't even think it was possible to get so terrified. And I laughed at people in horror movies for being stupid and not running...

It felt like minutes, when I hear the door crack open. "Hey... you okay?" Asks papa, walking in.

"Yeah. I just had a bad dream."

"Oh. Your therapist is coming over today..."

I try to suppress a frown. My therapist was a woman with a hooked nose and thick black hair, and coffee colored skin. She would ask me questions about my thoughts, because of my schizophrenia. She would press into my nightmares, and make me look at pictures and tell her what I saw,  which was never fun. She would act like I had to tell her everything...

"It'll be okay. You've dealt with her before..."

"I don't like her." I say, and the feel bad. "Sorry...."

"It's okay to not like someone, but be nice. And don't lash out again."

"I'm telling you, Dan is real."

"I know. How's he doing, anyways?"

"He's doing okay. Great, actually. He's been slightly busy and stuff... but he's always there when I need him."

"That's good that someone's watching out for my widdle gaybie toaster strudel."

I smile, ignoring the nicknames. "So... how have you been?"

"The hospital is making me work overtime, lately... so that's been kind of stressful, but otherwise it's been fine."

"Do you ever regret adopting me? It's been a question I've had for a long time, and-"

"Nope. I've had you for thirteen years, and not once have I regretted it. Sure, you're small, and have a few unhealthy obsessions, but that just makes you special, and we love you a ton. You're like our little gaybie and you can't stop it. We love you, Jack. Don't forget that."

"Then why does everyone seem to hate me besides you guys and Melody? 

"Because life is going to beat you up. People are going to make you feel worthless, unwanted, and other things. It's how life works. You just gotta get through it and listen to those who love you, instead of people who don't. They're not worth your tears."

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome." He kisses my forehead. "I'm making eggs on toast today, so that should be exiting."


"Yup. Come eat when you're hungry. It'll be done in like fifteen minutes."

"Okay." I say, as he exits the room, and leaves me to my own thoughts. Why had Melody been dead? Why was she dead, and saying it was his fault? She has clearly been abused, or tortured before she was killed, or maybe she was already dead... 

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