Chapter Nineteen: Taken my Time on my Ride

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I don't remember falling asleep. What I do remember, however, is my dream.

I wake up in an alley, surrounded by buildings and trash. Unlike in the movies, I hear no cats meowing or cars. All my ears can pick up is my heartbeat thump and my breathing. Slowly in and out; in and out.

I hear a scream, and scan the alley for any trace of what has make the noise. I see a man, that wore a black over coat, but underneath it was a red shirt that read: "Dr. Pepper is the only doctor I'm after" which I figured was a Doctor Who reverence or something. He was wearing baggy sweatpants that hung low around his waist. His head was shaped like a square, his mouth a large line across his face curled into a crude smile. There were moles around his face, one above his left eyebrow, one on his nose, one on his right cheek, and one near his ear. He had age lines in his skin, but he clearly wasn't older then forty at most. The way his skin hung of his wide outline showed that he did drugs, and the alcoholic smell on his clothing showed that he was clearly drunk. Although he was awful, the worst part was what he was holding. In his left arm, he held a girl by the hair. In his other, he had a gun pointed at her head.

The girl he was holding had bright blonde curls and bright blue eyes. She was dirty and her face was pale, but she was still pretty. She was wearing a bright pink shirt that showed off her particularly large chest. She was wearing jean booty shorts with holes at the bottoms. She reminded me of someone I knew well in my life. A girl who I knew sence I was a small child, the girl who bullied me for eight years for becoming my friend. The girl who had meant the world to me for years.

Melody Jackson.


Jack's sleeping body reminds me of those blob things from Monster's Inc., or Hotel Transylvania. When you poke him, the skin is soft and mushy, similar to a baby's. And there are stress creases on his face. Worry lines, or confusion, or utter terror. Sometimes, he'll start to thrash in his sleep. Sometimes, he'd cry or scream or yell. He was pretty much helpless as he seemed to battle his sheets and blankets, or sometimes he'll aggressively pull off his shoes. 

As I said, he is a blob. Of course, he got mad when I called him a blob, but I knew that it could possibly true, and my boyfriend is a blob. And sense he was related to Poseidon, maybe he was a blobfish.....

Sorry, I'm getting off track. The point is, Jack is a blob when he sleeps and I think it's cute. 

I watch as he curls into a ball, pressing his knees to his chest, and continues to drool through the edge of his mouth. He seemed slightly scared, unsure, and worried. I start to whisper encouraging things in his ear and rubbing his back. 

With a yelp, the blobfish awakes, and scans his surroundings. "Eww." he starts to wipe the drool from his face, then he notices me. "Do you always watch me sleep?"


"Uhh.... stalker much."

"It's my job to protect you when you can't protect yourself, and you are completely vulnerable when you're asleep. It is in my best interest to keep you safe when you're unaware.... soo... I watch you sleep. Of course, I'm not complaining because you're cute when you drool and look like a blob." I rant, smiling.

"I... look like a blob??"


"But I am not in resemblance to a st-"

"You are a blob and that's final." I hug him from behind, wrapping my arms protectively around his waist. "A very cute blobfish, if I do say so myself." 

"Shut up." He says, but  his smile told me that he enjoyed my company and humor, and was amused rather than annoyed. 

"Make me."

"Okay." I turn him around and pull him into a kiss. 

He ends the kiss, and I could tell that he was lightly blushing, which was normal. Because when you kiss, it makes your heart beat faster, which makes your blood pump faster, which shows on your cheeks. Thereby, creating blush. There's more science behind kissing, but I could tell that nobody in this generation cares and they do it as a sport, rather than a gift to show affection or an invitation or a taste-test. A kiss used to be a fragile thing that people didn't do often, but only to show love or compassion or affection. Now, people see it as a mere game, and they will go kissing as if it is a game, or maybe something to provide nothing but amusement or pleasure.

I give him one last hug before walking back to where I belong; the underworld. I had to go there once a day, which was normally during the mornings, because I am a guardian or protector and I have to follow the corresponding rules given to me by Magister, a not-so-humble man who holds a lot of power. He was frankly rude, selfish, and reminds me of a prison guard, or maybe the lamest school principle who targets one student, and one student alone. That one student is me. After all, I belong in the lowest social class, so I'm treated as if I am nothing and I am forced to deal with more than the rest, as if I am their slave. But I am not. I believe that I mean something in this world, and I will make a difference for the better. Daniel McFalony is going to be amazing and awesome one day. I'll be someone that people can look up to, and I can protect. People will look at me and say "Because of you, I didn't give up". But I know somewhere inside me that'll never happen.

Y/N: 'SUP GUYZZ! I'm back-io-so! Sorry. that was an awful refference. BTW, new Danisnotonfire post today. I know that's kinda irrevelent... but.... Idc. I will do what I want what I want because I want it. Okay? ye? okay. Uhhh............. here's a new chapter for today because with school, it may be a while before I can write some new ones. I'm not even sure. Btw, this is kinda unedited again because I have hardly any time to check and read through it. Anyways...... how are you guyz?

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