Chapter one

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"Fancy stripping?" Sam joked , pointing at building with neon signs around it. "Been there , done that" Dean waved his fingers and Sam looked startled,and abruptly stopped moving. "Backstory , now" Sam caught up with Dean , rubbing his hands together and adjusted his beanie. "High school , need some money for food , dad outta town , guy said I had a great body , made three hundred bucks in one week after training" Dean summarized and Sam , wide eyed, let out a small 'wow'

"You got the list?" Dean asked , entering the grocery store. "Yeah" Sam answer taking out a crumpled piece of paper that had scribbles on it. "First thing , pie" Dean smiled marching to the frozen isle and looked through the glass. "There are samples over there" Sam pointed at a girl with long hair , standing beside a boy , both of them holding a tray with paper plates and pie.

"Pie!" Dean cheered loudly and waltzed to the samples. "Hello sir , would you like to try-" Dean interrupted the black haired , at least he thinks he's black haired , as he hasn't met his soul mate yet. Any way , he interrupted the man with gushing "I'd love to try this , free pie is best pie" as he smiled. The man in front of him cocked his head and looked over to his co-worker "does the taste of pie differentiate by finance?" He whispered , Dean heard as he was close to both of them.

"It's just like word play castiel , go with the flow , remember?" She whispered back , throwing in a 'Tshtsh' sound and nudging him. "My apologies sir , she offer pumpkin pie and blueberry pie , while I offer raspberry pie and cherry pie , what would you like to taste" the monotone-voice man , who is named castiel asked Dean and Dean grinned. "Can I taste everything?" Dean gave castiel a his infamous puppy eyes and the man shook his head

"Sorry , sir , I can only offer one slice of pie. You have to choose". He smiled , Dean knew it's his business smile. "Alright , I'd like to taste...the cherry pie" Dean answered , his eyes not leaving the pie plates. "Here you , sir" castiel took the paper plate and passed it to Dean 

Dean gladly took the pie and scurried to Sam , who was fake-looking at the shelf. "Made a new friend?" He mocked and Dean growled. "Just go get me the blue berry pie , Bitch"


Within seconds , the small piece of pie in Dean's hand was gone , and replaced with the one Sam got. "Dude this is good stuff , buy like , three thousand of them" he managed to get out , with a mouth full. "Gross , didn't mum teach you to not talk with your mouth full" Sam put two fingers to silence his brother. "Ay" Dean swallowed the pie and nudged his brother "I was four when she left , I don't remember if she did"

Meanwhile castiel was practically shouting at a woman who was vigorously grabbing at him and trying to get the pie out of his tray "ma'am , ma'am please , calm down" Charlie , his co-worker and best friend put down the empty tray and tried to hold back the woman

"Get off of me" she back handed her shoulder and Charlie let go with a scoff. "Ma'am , believe me I can not give you more than one sample" cas backed away , until his butt touched the fridge. "I don't care , just give me one more , it won't be the end of the world" the woman tackled him , making the tray fly up and fall on cas' face , giving him spots and crumbles all over his face. "Great , now look what ya did" the woman barked , and the security came , and escorted her out. "Chuck is going to kill me" castiel mumbled , standing up , seeing the man who took pie from him offer help

"Chuck is your boss?" The man asked and grabbed cas' hand to shake it. "Inde-" cas got caught off guard as colours sprout and painted the world around him. He locked eyes with the guy with very exquisite eyes , he was unfamiliar with colors. He was told their names and examples by his brothers.

He knew that grass is green and when it is neglected , turns yellow

That wood is Brown and inside is almost offwhite brown

That the sky is blue and at sunsets it's orange,  yellow, pink  and sometimes purple

And other things I am sure you know

"Wow" castiel gazes at everything , the blue sign , the white floor , the red and blue pie packages , at dean's green jacket , plaid red shirt , black undershirt and his baggy jeans. His hair that was dark at the bottom and light at the top. " is Dean , pleasure to meet you" Dean grinned at cas and cas stammered out a small. "Castiel , pleasure to meet you Dean"

They didn't let their hands fall , they kept on holding hands , Charlie cleared his throat and cas' head snapped towards her. "What's going on here?" She asked and cas' eyes widened , again. "Your hair , it's very beautiful" Dean comments and Charlie smiles at him. "I was told it's bright red and very shiny apparently"

"So that's what red looks like" cas wondered his face fascinated. "Ohh, that's what's going on Here" she grins and claps "he's your soul mate , I always knew you swing that way" she chirps and cas scoffs. "I'm straight" Dean blurted out, Both gave each other side way looks. "Sure , and I'm Christopher Columbus" she rolls her eyes but smiled again and left

Sam was watching from afar , a smile plastered on his face

"We should probably get to know each other since you know , we're kinda soul mates" Dean said and cas nodded in agreement. 

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