Chapter seven

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3 months later

October came around, and castiel  was one to hate hate it, he always believed that demons had the upper hand on Halloween.

Unfortunately, everyone he's ever known, loves it

"CAS, I'M TAKING YOUR STANKY ASS DOG AND TRICK OR TREAT, TOOTDLES BITCHES" Gabriel, who was in it for the candy, yelled, slamming the door behind him

"Cas, how do I look? Please tell me fabulous" Balthazar asked

"You stink like sex" Ariel answered, adjusting her pirate costume.

"that's an honour" Balthazar added his hat, and waltzed in front of cas

"Good, you look good" Castiel smiled, waving goodbye to Ariel and Balthazar.

"CASSSSS LE- where is your costume?" Dean asked as he entered the room dressed like batman.

"I don't have one, I'm staying in for Halloween" castiel shrugged,  grabbing his coffee cup and plopping on the couch

"BOOOOOO no, you're coming trick or treating with me" Dean grabbed cas' arm and dragged him to his bedroom

"I'm not twelve" cas whined, pouting

"You're twenty something, which is close enough" Dean threw a bag at cas "get dressed or I'll summon a mother fucking demon"

"Dean, can't I just stay in, please?" Cas asked, giving his best puppy eyes

"Fine, but I'm going out" Dean starts, picking up his plastic pumpkin "I'll give you some of my candies so Gabriel doesn't devour them"

"Thanks, De" Castiel smiles, giving Dean a small kiss on his forehead

"Bye cas"

"GoodBye Dean"


Castiel cuddled his blanket tightly, a warm cup of water between his hands, the tv was playing a movie castiel grew to love even though he used to get nightmares from it

"this is HALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN" Cas chanted with the song, a smile resting on his lips.

"BOO" Dean yelled from behind cas.

Causing cas to throw the water in the air and roll from the couch surrounded by his little cocoon of blankets

Dean doubled over laughing, starting to walk to the couch. Because he was laughing and not paying attention to his steps, he slipped on the water and fell backwards with a very, very manly shriek.

Castiel stood up, grinning and helped Dean out, by sticking his hand out of his small blanket cover "He who dug a hole, falls in it" Castiel said as he grabbed the plastic cup from the ground and sets it on the coffee table.

"Yeah, yeah whatever"

"You're here early" Cas started, pausing the movie

"It's eleven pm cas, I've been out for three hours"

That's around the time cas' mind went '????'

"-Oh, did you have fun?"

"Yeah, I collected tons of candy, and Gabriel cried when he couldn't find his candy bag anywhere so Balthazar gave him his."

"Sounds like him"

"Dude" Dean grinned dragging the word "You're watching my favorite movie"


"Aw shnikes, Gee, you made the dog pink." Castiel whines, seeing his precious husky running towards Dean (who cowered behind Cas, Because Chester's eyes petrified him, plus the whole dog thing)

"Sorry bro, We were caught in a freaking AMBUSH that an ASSHOLE made" Gabriel emphasized. Castiel heard his sister laughing along with Balthazar, who strolled in, drenched in water and white power.

"At least you Didn't get sprayed with skunk spray and covered in Black paint" Lucifer mused. entering with a small grin on his face "Sup, brother"

"I'd hug you, but you smell like a swamp" Castiel smiled, waving from afar.

Castiel frowned upon seeing his floor and couch covered in small dog foot prints, a small puddle of black paint around Lucifer's spot, and a pair of pinkish-red shoe marks behind each of Gabriel and the doorway.

"Now go away, Gabriel and Balthazar, you will watch Chester and wash him till tomorrow" Castiel Rushed, or practically shoved his brethren out of his apartment, leaving Gabriel Whistling like a mad man trying to get Chester out.

Dean jumped as he felt the dog walk beside him, his fur tickling his finger tips

"Dean go make yourself useful and get the mop, it's starting to smell like post-Halloween here"


OK this wasn't how i wanted the chapter to end but i had to give you guys since i probably won't post the next two weeks because i have quizzes. Wish me luck

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