Chapter eight

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The dim light spun as castiel's eyes adjusted to the air whipping around him. His body ached and burned. Itches surrounding around his body.

He felt his wet sheets around him and a body shifting around him. His breathing became loud to his ears. And His blurry vision showed a face, Gabriel with a worried smile

His mouth moved but the words weren't audible to Castiel.

Dean dipped the rag in cold water and ice, placing it softly on Cas' forehead.

Castiel relaxed into the bed, not realizing how stiff his body was.

"Looks like you've caught a mad fever, take it easy little brother" Ariel mused from the chair she was resting on.

"Bring a bin beside him, fast" Dean softly ordered, Balthazar pushed the bin beside cas.

"Hey Cassie, you gotta sit up, so try to hold in your sick" Lucifer mumbled his voice wavering from worried to tired.

"Imh phine" Castiel mumbled, his throat aching Major-ly

"Yeah, sure buddy, now sit up" Gabriel unfolded the sheets from around Castiel's very warm body.

Cas sat up with the help of his three brothers and boyfriend. Their hands felt cool on his warm back and shoulders

"Head hurts" Cas groaned feeling of his head throb with pain and his stomach churn "tummy ache"
"Alright baby brother. Swallow these pills and if you keep them down, you'll be alright" Ariel smiled kindly

Cas nodded his head instantly regretting it as he felt like some one landed a bullet in his temple
The room turned black as cas' body shut down when he tried to speak.


The room was freezing cold, when castiel tried to suck in a breath, he choked on...water?

His eyes snapped open, seeing five people peaking in on him, his body involuntarily lashed out, grabbing the edge of the....tub? And pulled himself up, coughing harshly and wheezing.

"Woah Woah Woah" He heard dean's voice accompanied with Gabriel's squeak.

"Help him out, come on"Castiel heard an unfamiliar voice and looked up, shaking

The man had tall hair, and a massive upper body, his eyes were kind and inviting

A blanket threw itself on Cas, and he immediately welcomed the warmth.

Two hands lifted him and he extended his legs and stood still, a bit warmer but still shaking.

Dean started to rub a towel on Cas' Hair making it stick up and stick to his ears.


After a changing of clothes and way too much medicine for one person. Castiel sat on his couch, three blankets on top with the heater cranked all the way up. Dean sat on the love seat his Camera in hand "Who found me anyway?" Cas asked, looking up from the old book in his hand

"Me" Dean didn't look up from the camera "My colors started switching on and off, I started to get worried, so i came through the window, which by the way you gotta lock man, and found you passed out on the ground, fever through the sky." he explained placing his camera down and looking at Cas "You wouldn't wake up, so i knocked on Gabriel's apartment until he came out and cursed me" His lips twitched up from a moment


Sam entered and formally introduced himself as dean's doctor brother, who then later admitted to be Gabriel's six week stand apparently.


I wanted to give you something before my phone is taken away :)

Hopefully I will update with my laptop

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