Chapter eleven

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This chapter is very much angst-y. I was going  to end it happily. But y'know. I got inspired.

Don't hate M E. P L E A S E

It was a few months after. Justice and Dean had officially Moved in, And Gabriel had officially moved in with Sam. Although Lucifer, Balthazar and Ariel were still in Gabriel's Apartment. It was a lot quieter for the small family. Dean finally persuaded Castiel to try a couple of beers as a celebration of his birthday, THAT ended on a good note (Basically a make out session and snuggles). JJ winchester was the goddamn adorable-est baby to ever exist, All they cooing and laughing. It was all fun and Games till everything went to complete absolute shit. the end is always painful, you have to let go. You have to let go of something, someone, even if it was a fictional character that you made up to escape the hell-hole of  life your actions have created. A twist is present in each and every story, and this one was the a weird one. As Castiel, me, didn't even know that what i created was going to break me so much.

So here it goes.

It was dark, too dark for any-night, and i was sitting in bed, as usual. Trying to figure if i'm going to live to see tomorrow. if i'll hear another shout from my brothers and sisters, or even a corny joke from my friend. I was gloomy. I was dark. I was weak. And. . . I was suicidal. I mean, put yourself in my place, you Can't know for sure when you're going to die, There is a constant cloud of sadness looming, A dull ache is always present and another sharp one, always reminding you of how you failed to survive. If this is all confusing, let me explain, or start from the very start.

Hi, My name is Cas, Castiel. I am-was a 22 year old cancer survivor, I was prescribed with anti-cell dysfunction medicine when i was three. My family and I neglected the medicine and at age six, I grew my first cancer tumor, at that time, it was a tumor which was blocking air from entering my lungs and circulating, later, after many many visits to confused doctors, The tumor was revealed to be cancerous. I spent from the age of six till the age of nine taking chemo therapy, under many supervisors and special careerists. At age ten, on my birthday, I was 'free' of Cancer. two years later, I started getting bad headaches, and i often cried blood in my sleep. When we went to our local doctor he said that the  cells in my brain have collided together forming multiple blood-clots or something in that area, I was only twelve and i didn't care much. At age thirteen, I slid into a coma after allegedly falling asleep and never waking up. When i woke up, I met my first friend. His name was Dean, He had had a bad accident that caused the doctors to surgically remove his eyes. He was walking around with a pirate eye patch till he was fifteen. By that time, my cancer tumor had grown trice it's size, left untamed, I started losing my lungs piece by piece. Dean stayed beside me every step through it. At Age seventeen, I was free of Cancer again. The damage at that point was far beyond replaceable. I was walking with one lung, and half a working brain. I wasn't mentally behind, I just lacked skills. For example, I'm left handed, so now i can no-longer keep my hands steady enough to write my name. Let's move on. At age twenty, Dean passed away from liver failure, His little brother; Which is portrayed briefly throughout this short story, Came to me crying, it was Tuesday the third of December,  Which was corresponding with my birthday, since then, I have never celebrated my birthday,

Dean and I went through many thing, and the ten previous chapters, was what our future was going to be like, Dean and I started dating when we both were seventeen, he asked me to be his boyfriend on December 2nd. Dean and I Shared our first kiss on new years eve. We shared our first I love you in his Car after graduating high school. Dean got accepted to Harvard six weeks before his passing. His last shared words with me were "Some day, I promise, You will be as bright as that star" He pointed at very bright star, It was twelve and the sky was clear, We were sitting on my roof, fingers laced and side to side. After the news, I started getting nose bleeds and headaches, Down the road of my life, This had to be hardest faze, losing dean was the worst thing I could imagine.

At age twenty two, I was declared to be incurable, said to have under a year to live, Today is December sixth, I saw Dean in my dream yesterday, His figure was bright and warm, He hugged me and assured me that I will soon be free.


December 28th Castiel was Deported to the hospital after fainting, I'm his friend, Sam , Dean's brother. Castiel asked me to Complete this story, So here i am. It's twelve AM and Castiel is smiling in his sleep, His heart was irregular, But he doesn't seem to be agitated.

It's currently six am, Castiel's heart rate is steady, He shuffled a bit today and mumbled my surname. Gabriel is sitting beside him, Balthazar and Anna on either side of him. Ariel is standing with the doctor, with Cas' mum and dad. They are all devastated as the doctor told them the inevitable. Castiel was giving out, his heart is starting to shut down and after the recent check, it's apparent that he is as good as dead, as  he is brain Dead.

December 29th Castiel's heart rate slowed down at around ten PM, He lasted longer than the doctors anticipated. Gabriel and the brothers are gaining hope, while the others know the truth. Castiel isn't going to pull though this. His face is pale, He lost weight, his brain is still giving no signals of life.

December 30th, Gabriel tried to cheer up the family, bringing us candy canes and turkey sandwiches. At 12 Am today December 31st Castiel passed away after new years eve. The family shared a brief happy new years, followed by multiple tears.

Castiel was buried beside Dean, in their hometown, Kansas.

Castiel is thankful for you reading his little 'silly' story as he says. This is the final goodbye

                                                                                  -Sam and Gabriel

Happy new year. . .  

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