Chapter four

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Hola mishamigoes , hope you like this chapter , this story will take a sharp turn soon. Can you guess what the plot twist will be?


As Dean licked his ice cream , he held Cas' hand , who was sucking on his mango and peach lollipop. Both of them had the bracelet on , which emitted a soft shade of blue light. Turns out i doesn't split ; its just two pieces , and it glows black when castiel takes it off , but when they put it on , it shows a small picture of a cat on a tree with blue background. But they have to have it on at the same time for the picture to show.

"what does lipstick mean to you dean?" Cas asked "why do they use monkeys?"--"I don't know ,cas" Dean shrugged making Cas pout.

"you don't seem to know anything about anything I ask you" Dean shrugged again before saying "I never had someone to ask me philosophical questions like you , sure Sammy used to ask me tons of questions ; but they usually ranged between 'why don't we have a mommy?' to 'why is water wet' ; he stopped asking me when he discovered the internet and since then , I've lived in non-questioned-peace"

Cas nodded "well, you'll have to put up with me since I don't shut up about anything." Dean smiled , and bit his ice-cream , making cas cringe "what?" Cas shook his head and Dean gave him his most confused face.

"I hate when people bite cold stuff" .

Several hours of walking and taking later, Dean offered Cas to go to his diner.

"Sure, I'm hungry too"

The diner was large , more than Cas thought it would be , it's interior was a dark shade of red , with white tables and a wooden bar that had a few olive green stools in front of it , the chairs for the tables were neatly stacked in the far corner.

"We're renovating, there will be an arcade here soon enough." Dean went behind the bar; and motioned for Cas to sit. "Welcome to Winchester Bar and Grill, what would you like today sir"

"What's your special?" Cas asked and dean took out a small notebook, scribbling something and giving it to cas




Uncooked sausages



It read

"I'll take water, please" 

Dean smiled and went to the supposed kitchen, returning with a cup of water and with a paper in his hand. Cas thanked Dean.

Cas went to take a sip from his water, only to discover it had a weird taste to it.

"Alright, by the look on your angel face , I assume you've tasted the flavor. All you have to do is try to figure out what it is" Dean handed cas the piece of paper that had different flavors



Rose water

Lemon and honey




The note read

Cas took another sip, swishing the water in his mouth and trying to figure out what the flavor was

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