Chapter two

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"So , coffee or tea"


"Pie or cake"

"I do not really care but I prefer pie"

"Top or bottom?"

"Uh...I don't know?"

"Night owl or early riser"

"Night owl"

"Awesome" Dean grinned and sat back in his chair , playing with the now empty coffee mug

"My turn?" Castiel asked , taking a sip from his own coffee mug , and pushing away the half full plate that had half a cinnamon roll .

"Ideal car"

"'67 Chevy Impala"

" heavy drinker?"

"Usually beers every now and then"

"Open book or locker?"

"In the middle "

"Ideal date"

"This one"

Castiel smiled looking down at his lap feeling heat creep up his back

"You cheesy little" castiel looked up again

Dean was halfway down the seat with his smirk plastered and his stomach half way showing through his shirt

"Shit" Dean completed and sat up normally "so cas , any brothers? Sisters?"

"Three brothers , two sisters"

"Favorite condiment".


"Alright I'm out of ideas" Dean concluded "I think you're really awesome , cas , also your eyes are very bright , what color are they?" Dean asked

"My brother tells me it's a mix between ocean blue and diamond-like blue , I personally wouldn't know how to describe them"

"Alright , where do you live?"

"Across from here" castiel pointed at the apartment building that was in front of the coffee shop they were in

Which was Starbucks

"Awesome , live with anyone?"

"No, not officially , but Gabriel and Balthazar are always around" cas took a sip and played with the fork.

"Brothers , right? Are they there now?"

"No , they can't get in , well Gabriel can't , Balthazar can go through the window , but Chester would probably eat him alive" cas smiled , glancing at Dean

"Chester?" He asked , cocking his head at cas

"Chester and Benny , my cat and dog" cas answered giving Dean a sweet smile



"Charlie said that I can take the rest of the day off. Chuck let me off because apparently I "had to get to terms with my gayness". Which is...absurd , I am already on terms with them" cas mumbled the last part , shuffling his feet as Dean put some change and stood up , linking his arm with cas

" Awesome , wanna go to my secret place? Well it's not that much of a secret" Dean kissed cas' cheek , waiting for a response

"Of course , I'd love to" cas felt a blush dust his ears and neck.

"Let's go then , what are we Waiting for? Huh?" Dean ran off , taking cas' hand and dragging him behind him

Cas struggled to stay on his feet , running after Dean ; many rocks hitting his feet and reflecting to his legs

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