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Your expectations always differ from the actual reality that you get. Always. Usually though, your expectation is thought to be better than your reality. That did not apply to my expectation and my reality. The day that I had met Adrien, I had never expected to be where I am today. And look at us, we're married and we were trying for kids.

Some would say that Adrien and I got married at a fairly young age and I wouldn't disagree with that. But, we had our reasons and we felt that they were justified and everyone that was invited to our wedding supported us fully on our decision to marry as young as we did.

Adrien has more sad childhood stories than happy childhood stories. It should be no surprise that this is because of Gabriel's harshness towards his son. Adrien's mother though, she always wanted the best for him and for him to be nothing but happy. I had always hoped that I would meet her one day.

That is precisely the reason that I wanted to give Adrien the family that he wanted and deserved. The only way to do that was to give Adrien kids that were made up of both of our genes- Not that I have a problem with adopting.

If you were to ask Adrien, he would probably say that he wanted 8 or 9 kids. I personally didn't have a preference but if I had to choose I would say 4 or 5 just because that was how many sisters I had growing up. And luckily for me, it is painless when a demon gives birth. The thing that was frustrating me was that no matter how many times we tried, we got no results. Nada. The pregnancy tests results were negative every damn time.

I had always felt that Adrien was a bit of a hypocrite when he had been trying to convince me not to hide my emotions so much. I never said anything about it because I didn't think that it was my place. Not when I was so new at figuring out my emotions and how to properly deal with them. Now though, I could see right through Adrien's facade whether or not the situation was such a big deal.

"Adrien," I said and handed Adrien the pregnancy test that I had just taken which unsurprisingly, came out as negative just like it had every single time prior to these events.

"These are the results." I said, watching Adrien take the pregnancy test, eager to know what the results were, only to be disappointed by what it said, his eyes lowering and tossing the pregnancy test in a garbage bin.

Feeling guilty for being the cause of Adrien's pain, I sat next to Adrien on the bed and hugged him, hoping that comforting Adrien at this time would make him feel better. "...I'm so sorry, Adrien."

Adrien looked up at me in confusion. "Hey, do not blame yourself for this, y/n."

I stood up, my blood boiling in anger and said, "I should though! If it weren't for me being a demon, you'd be able to have children but you can't and that's my fault so I'm sorry."

Adrien got up and cupped my face before pressing my forehead against his and whispering, "You're all that I need. I love you more than I could ever love another being. Do you understand me?"

I couldn't nod because my forehead was pressed against Adrien's so to answer him, I tilted my head and connected my lips with Adrien's and began to kiss him so that he knew that just like he did, I loved him very much.

He immediately began to kiss me back, rescuing his hands into my hair and deepened the kiss, causing a soft moan to escape his mouth as he did so. Just as we were going to take things to the next level, my phone began to vibrate insanely as if it were going to explode at any moment.

Adrien groaned and threw himself back onto the bed, his face a dark shade of red because he knew that if we hadn't been interrupted, things would have surely advanced into something completely different.

"Who's the cock-block?" Adrien asked frustrated that he didn't get what he had wanted.

Looking at the said caller, my eyes widened in surprise and confusion, ignoring Adrien's question and answered the phone, pressing the device against my ear.

"Dad, hi, is everything okay?" I said and upon hearing this, Adrien sat up from the bed and walked towards me, gesturing me to turn on speaker phone.

"Hey, y/n, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important but I really need you and Adrien to come to Crimson as soon as you possibly can."

Adrien and I exchanged the same look of confusion but nonetheless, we nodded at echar other and I responded to my father with, "Sure, we'll be there soon."


My father never did anything out of the blue. As the king of Crimson, his life revolved around politics and it was quite obvious how he was always a step ahead of the opposing team. In this case, Adrien and I were playing a part in the opposing team. The point being that our father knew something that we did not and that had been the reason he had called for us to come to Crimson in the first place.

"I'm so glad you're both here." My father pulled Adrien and I into a hug just like he had always done so there was no signs of foul play there which, by the way, was a good sign.

Adrien nodded, "Yes, of course. Is everything okay? Is there anything that we could help you with?"

My father smiled proudly as if he had finally figured out the cure for cancer and feeling victorious but humble he said, "It's nothing so glamorous. And, I don't mean to brag but I have found out the reason that y/n is not yet pregnant."

I was confused by what he meant by what he said but Adrien was absolutely ecstatic. His green eyes sparkled in excitement as he began to ask my father, "Really? What is it? Have I not been having sex right because if that's what this is about, is there a sex tutorial book or something?"

"Oh, my stars. Do you hear yourself?" I asked myself, groaning as I heard what Adrien was suggesting because I didn't know if I was just crazy or what but what Adrien was asking was absolutely ridiculous.

My father laughed, "Don't worry, Adrien. The problem here has nothing to do with sex, this has to do with your identity."

"My identity?" Adrien asked, tilting his head in confusion, unable to understand what my father had been implying when my father had told my husband that my husband's identity was the reason that I was not pregnant.

He nodded, "You're a half human/half demon."

That had been it. My father had spilled some major truth bombs. It made sense for him to say something like that so randomly because my father didn't understand the concept of when you were supposed to say what to people and when but I definitely hadn't expected that.


Yes, Adrien is a half human/half demon. Deal with it. Anyway, as always, I love you guys so freaking much, byeee!

Word Count: 1275

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