Does Love exist?

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I woke up to Zayn's snoring. Gosh he needs to like calm himself. I looked over to find a sleeping Harry. I cooed his name "Harry. Harry?" I looked at him as I sang his name "Harry. Wake up hazza." I said poking his face. He stirred around in the bed. "Five more minutes?" He said his voice sleepy. I sighed Harry was a pain to wake up.

I smiled " But I need help waking Zayn up." I stated resting my head on the pillow close to his face. He sighed " The things I do for you Louis Tomlinson." He said chuckling and rolling out of the queen sized bed.

I smiled and walked into the guest bedroom. Where Zayn had spent the night. I turned around to see if Harry was behind me. To my surprise when I turned around I saw a boy taller than me standing with a smile on his face showing off his adorable dimples.

I smiled back, turning my focus back in front of me. And creeping into the guest bedroom I saw Zayn spread out. Looking a bit like a star fish. I chuckled and looked at Harry "okay hazza. When I saw three we both run in and jump on him. Okay?" I asked as he laughed and shook his head. "Ok boo bear." I spoke "one" Harry chimmed in "two." We both shouted "THREE!" And we both took off running and jumped on Zayn as he screamed a little it kinda sounded like a rape scenario. "YOU GUYS ARE ASSHOLES!!" Zayn shouted.

Harry and I laughed "so are you zaynie. So are you." I said chuckling as Harry shot Zayn a jealous look. I chuckled to myself and rolled my eyes "c'mon Zayn." I said before walking out of the guest room. Harry following by my side and Zayn still trying to roll out of bed. I walked down to the kitchen grabbing a bowl and a box of cereal, I heard Harry scoff "what?" I asked. As he turned around "that's all you're eating? God Lou I could make you breakfast." He chuckled, I nodded "okay, don't forget about Zayn though!" I said a little whiney. Harry rolled his eyes "I know Louis." He bit his lip trying to hold back a smile.

Damn he looks cute when he does that. His curls were everywhere considering we had just woken up. His eyes were emerald green but would probably turn blue later on in the day. He was only in his boxers, unlike me I was in a grey T-Shirt that had one of my favorite bands on it The Fray and a pair of boxers. Harry on the other hand looked gorgeous. His curls were messy but still beautiful, his emerald green eyes were shinning and his tall slim body was just... Perfect.

"Louis!" Zayn said loudly.

I snapped my head "sorry mate, what do you need?" I said calmly. He chuckled "I asked how many eggs do you want but you were probably checking harry out."He gained the seriousness back in his voice, I cleared my throat "shut up Zayn." I chuckled As Zayn's face went all happy "You didn't deny it!!" I rolled my eyes "once again shut up Zayn." I stuck my tongue out. "But seriously how many eggs do you want?" I chuckled "uhhh two." I saw Harry nod "okay boo. But I don't blame you if you were checking me out. I'm sure Zayn has checked out Niall." He turned to Zayn and winked "it's not a big secret Zayn we know you like him." Zayn blushed "you do!!!" I said very loudly. "But I'm gonna go get a shower." Harry frowned "okay hurry back boo. I already miss you!" I chuckled "hey that rhymes Harry it's like when Louis said I'd marry Harry." Zayn stated as I rolled my eyes and Harry gave Zayn a what the fuck face. I laughed at Harry's facial expression.

I walked up the stairs turning into my bedroom and walking to my dresser. I opened it and grabbed a pair of red skinny jeans and a white shirt with blue strips. I walked into my bathroom and started to strip I took off my shirt and my boxers which were the only thing I had on. I grabbed a wash cloth turning the hot water knob and hoping in. I hummed, the water felt so nice running down my bare body. I started to wash my hair along with my body. I rinsed myself off, but I stayed in the shower admiring the warmth. The water rushing down my body. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and my bedroom door open "Loubear?" Harry spoke.

I smiled at the sound of his voice. "Ya hazzabear?" I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist. "Zayn had to leave he had to meet up with Niall." He said sighing "okay hazza that's fine we can just spend the day together?" I asked as I slipped on my pants "ya. I'd like that." He stated as I slipped on my shirt and walked out of the bathroom

Seeing Harry still in his pajamas. I walked over to where Harry was standing I wrapped my arms around him. He returned the hug and whispered in my ear

"How about we cuddle on the couch?" I nodded and pulled away grabbing his hand an intertwining our fingers together as we walked down stairs I turned to him and spoke "do you want to watch Titanic?" He shook his head "sure boo bear." I nodded popping the movie into the DVD player and taking Harry's hand once again. Squeezing it lightly as I rested my head on his shoulder.

I am in complete and utter love with Harry.


I looked at the piece of paper I had in my hand. Remembering her beautiful face and how her smile could kill you. Sierra, Sierra Miller. I had to find out more about her no matter what. I just did.

I grabbed my phone looking at the number one last time before dialing it. It rang once then twice and then the other end of the phone finally picked up.


"Hey, it's Liam."

"Hi. What's up?"

"Nothing I was just wondering maybe if you were free this Friday?"

I heard her sigh for a minute. "Uh ya I am."

I smiled "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get dinner sometime?"

She gasped a little bit " I would love to!"

I smiled "great! See you then."

I could practically hear her smile "mmk bye Liam"

And with that she hung up the phone. I sat on the couch flipping through the TV. Settling on MTV video count down. Now the video was A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. I always thought she was pretty. But not as pretty as Danielle, oh my god. I was going to take Sierra out while I still have feelings for Dani.

What the in the actual fuck is wrong with you Liam?

I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and opened the door "hey mate." An Irish accent flooded my ears " hey Niall."

Niall walked in "so I think I have an idea to get dani back."

Oh shit.


So hi guys!! I hope you liked this chapter I know it wasn't long please don't Kill me and I know it wasn't the best chapter :1

I'm so sooo sorry :1


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