That Harry

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My apologies chapter 3


I woke up to my phone ringing.

"My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard damn right it's better than yours damn right ill teach you but I have to charge!!!" My phone rang it was Zayn's ring tone. I picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I said kinda confused.

I heard Zayn sigh "hey Niall. Have you seen twitter lately?"

I shook my head even though there wasn't a point "no why?"

I sighed once more this one sounding a little more annoyed "well our friend Harry decided to go to a bar, and people are taking pictures and posting them."

I cursed under my breath "is he alone?"

"Ya he is." Zayn answered

"Goddammit, ill go get him." I really wasn't in the mood to go get Harry right now.

I heard Zayn laugh "thanks mate I owe you."

"Ya ya, you're welcome." I sighed rolling out of bed "I'll talk to you later Zayn okay?"

"Okay bye mate thanks."

And with that I hung up the phone. I slid on a pair of sweat pants with a green shirt that says "kiss me I'm Irish." Which wasn't a lie at all. I couldn't hide my accent If I wanted to. I walked to my night stand grabbing my keys along with my mobile. I slid on my white Jordan's and walked out of my complex. Getting into my car and turning on the engine I drove down the road noticing Harry's black Kia "dear god Harry." I said.

I got out of my car turning off the engine. I walked in the bar I saw Harry sitting there with a beer in his hand singing to a song. I walked over "Harry." I said "HEY NIALLER!!! HOWS IT GOING BUDDY?!" He said very loudly making everyone turn around I laughed nervously "Harry you're drunk I'm taking you home okay?" I said as he pouted "ohh come on the party just started." He said walking almost falling over a chair.

"Harry if the party just started you wouldn't be drunk off your ass." I laughed Harry was very interesting when he was drunk. I grabbed ahold of him "c'mon Harry." We walked out he started to laugh "NIALL!!" He laughed "look at your shirt! It says kiss me I'm irosh." He slurred because he was hammered "ya Harry it does." He laughed even more "you have a weird accent. It's all Irishy. I'm not Irish. I'm British." He laughed even more "Niall, Niall, Niall." He said while poking my face. "What Harry?" I asked a little annoyed "you're my friend Niall you know that. You're a good man. A good Irish man." He giggled.

I sighed this is gonna be a long car ride. I better call Louis.

I dialed his number it rang and finally he picked it up "Niall?" He said sounding concerned "hey Lou. I need you to get Harry's car." I said Harry started poking me in the face again "stop it Harry." I said my voice stern but he didn't stop. I sighed "Harry please stop!" I said this time a little louder making him jump.

I heard Louis sigh "okay."

"I'll pick you up and take you to his car okay?" Harry started to raise his hand to poke me but I caught him and slapped it away making him gasp "ow Niall! You hit me you butt licker!" He said in an Irish accent but failing because he was drunk and his own accent was to strong. I sighed

"I'll be there very soon Louis." I confirmed

"Okay Niall Ill be outside waiting."

"Bye Lou."

"Bye Ni."

Harry started laughing manically "hey nialler?" I nodded "yes hazza?" I looked at him for a second keeping my eyes on the road driving into the highway. "Have you ever noticed how high Louis' voice is? He kinda sounds like a chipmunk. But a cute chipmunk." My eyes went wide does Harry like Louis?

He couldn't they're best mates.

Could he?

"Harry what do you mean?" I asked wanting to know exactly what he meant. He cleared his throat "I mean Niall that Louis has a high voice but he is rather attractive." He said very confident.

Harry did like Louis.


I sighed waiting for Niall and a probably drunken Harry to arrive. Why would harry leave in the first place is my question. Did he just decide to leave when I went to sleep? Did he even want to come back? Does it have something to do with Eleanor? So many things were running through my head right now.


I snapped out of my thoughts looking up to see a tired Niall.

"Niall." I stated "you look tired." I chuckled

"Ya I am. Had to go get Harry and deal with him poking my face the whole time." He sighed as I chuckled.

"So I take it hazza is drunk?" I looked at him noticing how bright his eyes were. They were so beautiful. But not as beautiful as Harry's eyes.

Wait my girlfriend just died I shouldn't feel this way, I should be crying not saying how my best mates eyes are beautiful.

Niall cleared his throat "ya he is. He is really drunk." He chuckled as Harry opened the car door "Hey boo bear." He started walking over to me and Niall but slipped and fell. "Harry!" I said rushing over to him "oh my god are you okay?" I crouched down to his side he groaned "holy fuck." He said while spreading out. Looking like a starfish spread out. "Well dear god show us how you really feel." I chuckled.

He groaned and turned over looking at me "you know Louis..." He trailed off "you're kinda beautiful." He said seriously. "Hazza how hard did you hit your head when you fell?" I chuckled.

He shook his head speaking with his accent "no- no I'm serious." He said looking into my eyes, was he really joking if he was I swear to god I was going to shove him down a well like Timmy and lassie. What's that Niall? Harry's in a well! Well no shit I shoved him down there.

"Louis!" I snapped out of my thoughts as Niall yelled my name. I looked at him "sorry mate I zoned out, now what were you saying?" I heated him sigh "I said we have to get Harry's car before they tow it away. Now both of you get in the car." Niall demanded I heard Harry pout "but Niall, I'm tired and I wanna go to sleep." Harry said yawning after "ya well harry I don't trust you when you're home alone you do bad things."? I heard Harry snort "fine Niall." That was Harry's last words to Niall this evening. I sighed, dear god can harry be more adorable... I mean what?

We arrived at the bar ten minutes later. I grabbed my keys I alway had the spare. I climbed into the driver side, as Harry got into the passenger side.

He yawned "is it time to go home now boo bear?" He asked like a child.

I stood corrected, Harry can get cuter.


I moved in my bed trying to fall asleep and not think about my dream which was VERY unusual.

I looked into his bright blue eyes. They looked like a star at night. He looked down I meet my brown ones. "I love you Zayn" he said crashing his lips onto mine. He started to pull away but I didn't let him as I tangled my fingers in his blonde hair "I have to go Zayn." He chuckled "n-no you aren't leaving me." My vision now getting blurry from tears.

"I'm sorry love my mom is excepting me for the holidays." He said I could see the concern in his eyes as he spoke. I crashed my lips on his once more deeping the snog pulling away slowly "I'm going to miss you babe. Text me when your plane lands."

I said he nodded talking his accent never got old "of course I will. I'm going to miss you so much." He said "I have to go now love." He added I kissed him once more "call me you little leprechaun"I chuckled as his face went red "I promise I will I have to go now. I love you Zayn." He reassured me "I love you." I said "I'll see you in a few days love" he said before they called his plane. He walked up to the entrance before turning around and hugging me kissing my cheek "I love you." He added I smiled "I love you" he pulled away and headed to his plane.

And that's when I woke up. The really weird thing was that the guy was Niall.

It was Niall.


So what did you think? Zayn and Niall's p.o.v

Do we have any ziall shippers? I ship Larry and ziall. :3

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