Story of My Life

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I've been thinking about Louis and awful lot lately. Like it was a never ending flow of Louis.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a very familiar voice that I have grown to love and look forward hearing everyday "Harry!" Louis ran around the house looking for me " yes boo bear?" I smiled as I heard Louis' footsteps coming up the stairs until they reached my bedroom door stopping. As the door opened I saw Louis with a huge grin on his face almost to big for him which meant he did something horribly wrong. "What did you do Louis?" I asked a little nervous because last time he had a grin that big Simon almost killed him because Louis got the bright idea to cover the whole living room floor in shaving cream at a hotel in the bathroom.

He chuckled "just because on time I covered a floor in shaving cream doesn't mean I'm always up to something. But this time I kinda did something." He smiled and ran away I laughed chasing after him " Louis William!!! You better get back he- holy shit what the fuck is that?!" I stopped dead In my tracks seeing Louis sitting on a mini horse. "Simon is going to kill us Lou!! We can't keep him I mean if we lived on a farm that would be different but we live in a damn flat boo bear." I have to say Louis did look cute on that mini horse "Harry! Don't curse at mini Harry. I named him after you." He smiled "awe boo bear. Wait stay right there ill be back." I ran up to my bedroom grabbing the camera and my phone. I ran back downstairs Louis was in the same place he was when I left. I chuckled and took a picture on the camera "Louis you look cute on that horse." I smiled "I don't think I need help from a MINI horse to look cute hazzabear." He stated making me laugh as I took a picture with my phone. I nodded "true" I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. "Harry?" Louis said grabbing hold of the harness on mini Harry leading him out to a person outside of the room coming back inside. I cut him off from talking anymore "where is mini Harry going?" I said with a slight pout. "Mini Harry is going to a stable where we will be able to visit him." He smiled "okay boo. Continu-" I was cut off but not by words.

By Louis' lips. His lips were soft and warm against mine. Instant sparks flew. I started kissing him back. He was actually quite a good kisser. But he broke the kiss to breathe. He started to speak.

"Harry, I like you... More than my best mate."


"Harry, I like you... More than my best mate." I said my voice soft as Harry's eyes light up and he smiled and leaned in to press his lips against mine. His kisses were amazing no wonder why every girl wants him maybe even a couple guys. "I like you too Louis." He said with a huge smile on his face "I like you a lot actually."

I smiled "I'm glad." I state "I thought you would be creeped out and go away" I said my voice lowering along with my head until I felt a finger lift up my chin "I could never leave you Lou." I smiled as my blue irises meet his green ones.

I leaned in to kiss him again our lips connected once more. I could get use to this. The door opened and we pulled away "what the bloody hell was that?!" It was none other than Niall. I turned to Harry and gulped as he chuckled and whispered "everything will be okay." I nodded and walked over to Niall with Harry's hand in mine. "First Niall, please don't overreact it was a k-kiss. And secondly how the hell did you get in here?" I said as Harry squeezed my hand reassuringly. Niall started to speak and soon all I heard was an Irish accent. "Well, um you guys gave me a key smart one. Secondly are you guys together? Maybe the fans were right. LARRY STYLINSON IS BORN!!!" He said the last part very loudly as I chuckled as did Harry.

But he asked a very good question are we together?

"I-I don't know ni." Harry said he turned to me "are we...together?" My face probably looked puzzled. "

I mean I would love to be but what about you boo bear?" I smiled I never liked that nick name but when Harry says it I love it. "I would like that tremendously." Harry smiled "then ya Niall we are." Niall looked like he was about to faint.

"I need to sit down." Niall walked over to a stool "I'm very happy for you guys I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later." He smiled "thanks ni." I walked over to him "are you hungry?" Harry asked as Niall scoffed "when aren't I?" Niall laughed "you have a point there." Harry laughed. I smiled looking at my two best mates one was my boyfriend I'm going to have to get us to that. "So Ni what do you want to eat?" I asked "I shall attempt to cook this time." I laughed and so did Niall and Harry "boo bear just leave the cooking to me." Harry chuckled he always could cook good food, "hazzabear can you make spaghetti?" I asked and he shook his head "for you boo ill do it." I smiled

Harry was mine and only mine.

Nothing can go wrong...or so I thought.


So you guys?! What did you think? Cliff hanger I know :( I'm sorry I love you!! So please comment and vote??? Fan me maybe??

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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