Chapter: 4

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Next Day


When I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom when I looked in the mirror my eyes were red I just went on with doing my morning routine and going on with my day I was still upset with what went down last night but I know Ray didn't care and he wouldn't want to talk about it.


YN walked down stairs got something quick to eat and left while walking to school a car pulled up beside her the windows were tinted so she couldn't see who it was then the person honked the horn at her and she jumped a little then the person drove closer and rolled the window down she had hesitated to look but she did it was Ray.


Ray: Hi YN we need to talk.

YN: *low voice but loud enough that he can hear *Ray we have nothing to talk about so go to school.

Ray: But YN I didn't mean to yell at you yesterday.

YN: *walks away not caring*

Ray: *gets out of his car and grabs YN hand * At lease let me drive you to school?? Please *he begs you*

YN: *low soft voice * Okay. *smiles*


Ray smiles and you both walk to his car and in no time you guys get to school Ray jumps out the car and runs around to your side and opens the door gives you his hand and he helps you out the car YN starts walking away but Ray grabs her arm and asked her if they could try the tutoring session again. YN had said yes.


Wow I can't believe what just happen he wanted to try again I had gotten to my lock grabbed my book and headed to class and took a seat just waiting while other student were there talking laughing and being loud but whatever there were a couple mins to the bell when Ray and his friends walked in and they were laughing and being loud he had looked at me and smiled I just looked away they all took a seat around me the one with the Afro right in front on my, Ray on my left, one with really big muscles one my right and the other one at the back of me. The bell had rang so I thought nothing of it.

End of POV


I had told the guys what had happen last night they kinda didn't really care but whatever we all walked into class laughing and being loud then I saw YN and I just smiled at her, she had looked the other way so I had told the guys that we should all sit around YN we went over and sat down me to the left of her, Prince right in front of her, Roc on her right and Prod at the back we all just sat there and then the bell rang. I wonder how she felt with all of us around her.


Class begins and the teacher gives them some work and left the class for a while and told the class she would be right back as soon as the teacher left Ray took out a piece of paper.

Paper Conversation

Ray: YN ;)

YN: Hi Ray what do u want??

Ray: Down kitty I was just seeing if u were fine.

YN: Well I am so... Bye.

Ray: Come on talk to me if you don't talk to me now you'll have to talk to me at lunch and tonight.

YN: I guess I won't go to lunch or go anywhere tonight.

Ray: No come on I want you to meet my boy at lunch and I want to study tonight.:(

YN: Fine but you got to let me finish working don't pass the paper back I'll talk to u at lunch. Maybe.

Conversation over

Will YN have the courage to talk to Ray and meet his friend?? Well will she read on.

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