Chapter: 2

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Next Morning


I had woken up think about asking my teacher if she could get me a tutor to help me with me algebra. I got out of bed and started getting ready for school good thing I don't have to walk to school I feel sorry for the people who have to but any way got to get to school someway.



I woke up today got out of bed feeling great started getting ready for school after went down stairs got something quick and fast and then left the house no one was home so why stay in the house too long. *walking to school* on my way to school saw a dark purple Bugatti fly right past me don't know who's car or who it was but that car was the bomb. When I get older I'm a buy on of those cars. *Finally got to school* I went over to my lock and grabbed my books and headed to Mrs.K's class.



I had walked into Mrs.K's class with all my stuff and I went over to her desk.


Ray: Good morning Mrs.K.

Mrs.K: Hello Ray.

Ray: Mrs.K I was wondering if I can ask you something?

Mrs.K: Okay go a head.

Ray: I was wondering if you could get me a tutor??

Mrs.K: A tutor well idk I can see what I can do.

Ray: Okay thank you. *goes and take a seat*

End of conversation.

The bell rings and the class start to come in and takes there seat. Okay good morning class said Mrs.K I want you all to turn your text books to PG.108 and do 1-20 and be done by our next class tomorrow. Everyone starts to get there things and started working while the class was working Mrs.K pulls YN out of the class after they left and were in the hall way the class started to oooooooo YN's in trouble.


Mrs.K: Your not in trouble I just wanted to ask you a favour.

YN: Okay go ahead.

Mrs.K: I was wondering if after school you could help tutor a student in the class?? That student needs help in my class.

YN: Yeah we would have to meet at the library at 5pm that gives me time to tell my parents and stuff but I might be kinda shy. Anyways who is this student??

Mrs.K: When you see that person come through the library door you'll know.

YN: ....... Okay

End of conversation

Mrs.K and YN walks into class and everyone was quiet and working surprisingly. *bell ring* Okay class time for lunch Mrs.K said and all the class left except Ray.


Mrs.K: Okay Ray I have ask YN to tutor you she had said yes but I didn't tell her she was going to be tutoring you because she's a very shy girl and she might not have done it. You most meet her at the library at 5pm.

Ray: Mrs.K thank you and maybe she's not that shy as you think maybe she'll loosen up around me.

Mrs.K: Good luck with that Ray and your welcome you better be going now.

End of conversation


I wonder who it is not knowing is making me nervous and I'm a very shy person I don't want to look like a fool. Oh well I will find out who he or she is at 5pm.*sits down at her regular spot and starts eating*. I was eating a my regular spot when Ray and his boys sat a couple of seats down from me. My heart started to beat fast and my body had butterfly's they just sat there eating and talking.


The Boys conversation

Ray: Guys let's go sit at that table over there.

Princeton: But we always sit at this table.

Ray: Well let's switch it up a little.

Others except Ray: Okay *all walk over and take a seat*

Ray: *in a low voice * Okay guys the reason why I wanted to seat over here is because that girl right there is going to be my new tutor but she doesn't know it yet. *gets cut off*

Roc: Why doesn't she know yet??

Others except Ray & Roc: Yeah

Ray: I was getting to that well the reason why she doesn't know yet is because the teacher thought if she knew she wouldn't have done it because she's very shy.

Guys except Ray: Okay

Prod: What time do you have to meet her after school??

Ray: At 5 so yeah if anyone asks I'm at the library studying. Okay

Guys except Ray: Okay

Lunch's over *skipping the rest of the day*

School Ends

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