Looking at myself

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I'm sitting alone in the dark, a cold touch brushed my arm making the hair's stick up all the way to my neck. I look over to the direction where it came from; the door. Light began to enter through the cracks, reminding me what the sun felt like on my pale skin and how the wind pushed my brown hair gently away from my face. I've been thinking about going outside but I hate it when they stop and stare at me! It makes me sick and disgusted!

Maybe ... maybe just this once it might be different???

I turned away from the door and tilted my head towards the mirror. Staring back at me was this fat, ugly girl who would never smile again, unlike the picture of the girl that hung on the wall. Gathering all my energy, I stood up debating what I should wear. I wonder if this will be the last time wearing the clothes that I hide myself behind and reflect my fears and lack of confidence, instead of clothes that show my true self and reveal the girl that I used to be; but somewhere deep down I know it's not going to be today.

My bedroom door moves further away from me each time I take a step towards it, making it seem like I am chasing something that I should run away from. Suddenly, a loud bang brought me back to reality; my hand was on the metal doorknob. I slowly pulled down the handle, bringing an alarming, and I feared dangerous brightness to my dark room, which felt like I was in a different world.

My eyes began to adjust to the light, instead of taking a step outside, I poked my head around the door to get a good view of what or who was out there. Observing the area, I couldn't find where the loud bang came from so I finally took a deep breath and moved my whole body outside the room I felt the safest.

Walking down the hallway, I began to smell some freshly baked cakes. Looking to the right of me I noticed out of the corner of my eye a small movement, a dark shadow...I looked up at the window where a middle-aged woman kept laughing as she stared straight into my eyes. At that moment I knew she was laughing at me or why else would she laugh like that at the window?!

I was never like this. It all started in April when I went to that stupid place with him. Why did I ever think that I had a chance with him?!

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