Before Dark.

17 1 0

Finally, the food was prepared and placed on our table looking amazing as ever. Seeing the steak I ordered was cooked perfectly along with the chips which were crispy on the outside but soft in the middle made my mouth water more and more. I think Jin could tell that I fell in love with his cooking because he began to chuckle at me and nodded at my agreement as I mumbled "Muuuuum!" Unfortunately, Yoongi had gotten into trouble and wasn't allowed to eat before everyone else had their food first. At least his punishment isn't that bad compared to other punishments I've seen at people's houses.

As we continued our meals, we talked about a lot of things that were very embarrassing not only for me 'thankfully' but mostly for them. Each time one of them told a story or asked a question for me, someone else would jump in and change it into another story or question.
I guess that's what friends do. I guess that's what my best friend and I did without realising it. Don't get me wrong she's not the one that bullied me but the one who truly stood by me even though, at the time she was the one going through something much worse than me. In the end, we kind of ended up staying together. Although I would like for people to know what happened I'll tell when it's time but as of now-now the guys will just have to wait... Including you.
I can only say it's been about 1 year since I seen her. She left me and never said anything. God...I always hate when I think about this. "Uhhhh", a small sigh slipped through my mouth catching the attention of everyone eyes who now fell upon me. They silently question me however I wasn't completely comfortable telling them. I shook my head and gave them a smile to show I was okay, "Sorry I must be a bit tired." I titled my head to the side letting small strands of hair fall off my shoulders and rubbed my eyes to stop any tears from running out.

Just as I stabbed my fork into the last piece of steak my phone vibrated inside my pocket. While the guys carried on talking amongst themselves, I reached for my phone and pressed the home screen; it was a message. Sarah had texted me,
'I hope you are okay? Have you eaten yet? Please let me know, thanks, xx.' Opening my phone, I started to reply,

'Thanks for checking up on me and yes I have eaten. I've met some nice friends and I'll probably be back soon before dark x.

P.s. I didn't get the bakers stuff, sorry.'

Placing my phone on the table waiting for a reply, Taehyung said quietly towards me, "Who was that?"
"Just my Aunt."

"Do you need to go or something?"
I glanced over to the window to see the sun shining through the tree branches, "It seems likes it will get dark soon...I should probably get going now because its gonna be a long walk back." I smiled at him and then towards the others. Sliding out of my seat, I stood up and bowed to them but mainly at Jin, "Thank you for letting me stay here and I enjoyed the food." I also turned my body to face Taehyung, "Oh...and thank you for helping me. I had fun today!" I bowed again while holding out the money for Jin and waved while I walked throughout the chairs and tables. Jin called out to me and took my hands laying the money down as he sweetly said, "You don't need to pay us. We are happy you stayed despite our weirdness."

Closing the door I could hear them laughing and talking about things they maybe couldn't say in front of me but that didn't matter. However, leaving the cafe felt a bit strange like something felt empty inside my body. I strolled down the path that happened to be lit by colourful rows of lights in gardens of the people who lived here and it made me remember the time that my dad and I would always decorate our garden until we both started to get busy especially when we continued to move from one house to another. Being slightly happy and surprised, I decided to take a picture and could see my shadow on the floor. Realising the time, I hurried my way over to the alleyway which I began to slide over the top of the rubbish that still waited there after the accident with Taehyung. I barely made it to the woods which was neatly trailed side by side with a dodgy road leading back to Sarah's house. I stopped to catch my breath and to make sure I had enough energy to keep going. So I started to pat my butt pocket securing my phone and the money I still had.

I wished I had brought my headphones with me to keep myself company. Knowing that my energy was restored, I took a few steps away from the town and instantly heard my name being shouted "BONNY!" 
Startled, I spun around to see Taehyung riding his bike towards me waving frantically with one hand and smiling like a small child who had gotten sweets. I ran to him hoping nothing was wrong, "Are you okay?"
Out of breath he stopped and kept smiling. I waited patiently for him to catch his breath even though I was still concerned about the time.
"Do you want to use my bike?"
Confused I asked what he meant, "Why do I need your bike?" His head dropped down stretching his arm out on the bike handles and laughed, that's when I realised he was asking if I wanted to go home on it; how stupid of me.

Crossing my legs I replied, "Oh...umm yes. Can I use your bike?"
Looking up at me, I could just barely see the humour glinting in his hazel/dark eyes as he lifted one leg of his bike and pushed it towards me. I tightly gripped the handlebars and hopped onto the seat while I balanced myself with one leg on the floor. "Thank you."
"No problem. It was everyone's idea."

He nodded and placed his hands in his pocket before pulling out a note, "Make sure you thank them tomorrow. Hope to see you there."
Instead of waiting for me to open the note he turned his back to me and jogged away. The note had instructions to get to the village hall and that I shouldn't worry about not paying for the food because it was their welcoming treat. To be honest, I haven't smiled this much in ages, I'm pretty happy that I came out today and I hope that nothing embarrassing will happen if I go to the town hall tomorrow.

Through the tall black trees, I could slightly see the house lights. There were hardly any cars or people to be seen. No sound...except the noises I slowly make. Only the sound of bike tires and the white mist of my own breath that filled the air. The wind flying past my face. My bike made a screeching noise as I stopped at the house iron gates meaning I had to approach the old garage by foot. I tried to make everything as quiet as possible in case there were any racoons in the area or the fact that I didn't want Sarah to be mad at me for being late back. Walking over the stones, I lifted the garage door slowly and positioned the bike against the wall for support. I closed the garage door and assembled to the main door.

Sneaking up towards the main house door, I quietly wiped my shoes on the outside mat and moved my arm grabbing the spare keys which hid underneath the flower pot- such an easy place to find a key.
I closed the front door steadily while I began to head for the living room which I found Sarah already asleep on the couch with the fireplace still roaring hot. She must have fallen asleep not too long ago due to the dry wood that still leaned against one another keeping themselves upright.

Feeling extremely exhausted, I placed my brown coat on the bannister and slid off each shoe that reminds me of what's coming tomorrow. I placed them quietly under the stairs far enough to not see them anymore and tiptoed up the steps to make sure that no squeak would wake her up. What felt like forever I reached the top and went straight to my room longing for my PJs and the bed that waited for my warmth to fill it. Grabbing the door handle, I opened the door and small creaking noise escape. I stepped into my bedroom and closed the door to hear a small click. I leant against the white door with my back and stood like that for a couple of minutes. My eyes were now drooping shut, not caring as I slipped down and sat on the cold floor just waiting for my energy to return.

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