More friends.

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I notice a very tall, brightly colourful tree that stood next to a small wooden cafe. Taehyung stopped in front of me and pointed to the door of the cafe, "Here you are."
I looked at the cafe, then back at him in confusion, wondering if he forgot where I wanted to go.
"I thought you were taking me to the baker's shop, not a cafe?"
His eyebrows raised in surprise, "That is the baker's shop. One of my hyungs works here. Shall I introduce you?" He bounced over to the black gate and opened it for me, "Come on! Let's get some food."
I hesitated for a moment until my stomach started to rumble with the thought of food. Just as I was about walk to him, I was startled when he began screaming: "HYUNGS!" behind me.

(Hyung/Hyungnims= brother/s)

I swung my whole body around to the direction he was shouting at. Trying to get a better look at who he was talking to, there were two guys staring back at me. Taehyung couldn't stop smirking knowing that the two guys wanted answers to the questions they thought; Who I am? Why am I with him?
In discomfort, I tilted my head to the side and moved my gaze down to the floor. I grabbed my hands and began to fidget with them which eventually they made their way up to the ends of my hair. Standing in complete awkwardness, I felt their eyes on me, questioning Taehyung and me in silence. Finally, he broke the silence off by saying,
"Hyungnim's would you like to join us? We are about to get some food and... I can introduce everyone when we go in. You know that Jin hyung would want to know her too."
Being extremely nervous, I placed my hands in my pockets hoping it would stop me from fidgeting but it didn't stop my feet from moving. Each foot took their turn on top of another until the bottom foot got numb. One of the guys seemed more relaxed than the could tell that one guy was WAY more cheerful. The one who seemed relaxed was holding a camera by his side which looked very expensive. I guess he likes to take photos. His hair was like a waterfall as the light shone against it, it was pure black. The ends of his hair were slightly curly due to the way he was wearing his hat that read 'ZZZZ'. I giggle at the thought of him sleeping. I guess I can tell what type of person he is.

The other guy that stood next to him had light brown hair like Tae Tae but seemed a little darker on the top which made his jawline stand out. Out of nowhere, his hand jumped in front of my face making me go crossed eyed as I looked straight at it.
"Hi! I'm Jimin. Nice to meet you."
I gave him a small wave back and sputtered,
"Yes...umm...nice to meet you too."
I glanced over to the guy who I hadn't been introduced to yet. The one called Jimin then pointed to his friend's face and smiled,
"Oh, this guy! He is Yoongi."
Yoongi just nodded as he picked up his camera up from his side and began to walk towards the cafe but Taehyung stopped him by throwing an arm around his shoulders.

Unexpectedly, Taehyung went to put his other arm around me but instead of being a casual human being, I began to lean forward due to no balance in my body because my feet were not fully on the floor. I had no time to react to the impact that was coming my way. I was going to facepalm the floor!

Damit!! *SIGH* I hate my bad luck!!

All I could do was fall in slow motion thinking what should I do? I waited for the extreme embarrassment and pain that waited for me on the other side but out of nowhere, a warm touch covered the front of my chest which stopped me from moving any closer to the floor. I was finally able to take my hands out of my pocket and looked up to see if it was Taehyung who had caught me, but it was Jimin. He stared down at me, his smile grew across his face as mine turned cherry red. I quickly stood up on my own two feet and stepped away from Jimin's arms that felt very strong for a small guy,
"Umm...thanks." Yoongi burst into laughter and began to hug Taehyung while he too was trying to control his laughter. I wasn't sure if they were laughing at me, at Jimin or at both of us. I grabbed my checks to hide the redness and dashed away towards the cafe. I got to the cafe door while still hearing their laughter continue behind me, I opened it to find only two people inside, chatting to one another, not knowing I was there.

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