Nightmare Or Reality

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Shivers travelled up my arms finally waking me up from my deep sleep. My eyes gradually adjusted to the moonlight that still covered the carpet floor while I tried to remember what had just happened. Realising that I had fallen asleep on the floor, I placed my hands on the cold hardwood helping me find my balance as I stood up. A part of my body was still sleeping but the other half was telling me to wake up. Without thinking, I began to tumble towards my bed wanting to fall into another endless sleep but to only stop at the side of my bed. My heart started to beat faster and faster. Something was watching me. I carefully moved my eyes to the left; the bathroom.

At first, I didn't notice the sound of water dripping. 'Drip, drop...drip, drop'. I slowly spun, my feet now facing the bathroom door. Taking a deep breath, eyes fully open, adrenaline running through my body, I grabbed hold of the handle. Everything that stood behind me faded into darkness, even the moonlight that kept me company faded within those few seconds of silence. Why now? Why do I feel so...trapped? So...alone? My hair swiftly brushed across my shoulder making my neck visible for the cold breeze to walk by. Every single thing in my body could not move! My hand grew tighter on the handle, sweat running down my forehead but I couldn't call for help.

What felt like forever, I was finally able to move. My vision was slightly blurry, my head started to throb each time my heart pumped. The water stopped.
Then a faint whimper gradually got louder on the other side of the bathroom door. In confusion, I waited...waiting for it to stop but it didn't. I slowly let go of the handle and prest both my hands on the door. My head turning sideward letting my right ear press against the cold door, but on the other side...there was someone was breathing.

Quickly lifting my head off the door, I stood there wondering if I was imagining the noise due to being very tired. Backing away, ready to turn towards my bed, my body became senseless, unable to move again. Beside my now bare ear, I heard a soft whisper saying,
I told myself everything was alright but I was wrong.

A sigh slipped out of my mouth forming a black mist, darker than the room itself. Trying to move my head to where the whisper came from, I caught a glimpse of something tall and skinny standing in the corner. The only thing I could make out was those soulless eyes that stared into my soul. It sighed...Copying every moment I made. I was panicking, my body screaming to run, yet I'm paralyzed looking at him...her...them. There was nowhere to run, it was now blocking my bedroom door gradually vanishing within the darkness.

I looked away hoping it had finally left me alone but a foul stench entered my nostrils causing me to gag. The smell lingered as a cold touch made its way to my shoulder, heavy breathing filled the room. Immediately, my heart sunk.

Its fingers were long and slender, the skin was ripped showing bits of bone which was covered in blood-Even the nails were bitten unevenly. I sensed it leaning closer hearing the cracks and clicks of its bones reforming into many positions behind me. Its whisper became an eerie rasping voice, moaning and groaning into my ear. I couldn't make out what it was saying, so many voices overtook until it stopped and said:
"They're coming for you!"
The sound of its voice is just unexplainable. The fear overwhelmed me so much I...

I blacked out.
I was so cold.

My eyes flashed open to where I had fallen asleep before I tumbled back to my bed. My back rested on the bedroom door as if I had never moved. I'm sitting on the cold wooden floor facing the end of my bed, uncertain of what just happened. I looked over to the corner and wiped my forehead where sweat still trailed down.
I stood up, my whole body shaking at the image of whatever that thing was and turned away from my bed. I opened my bedroom door, to find the hallway which was lit by moonlight but around the corners, it was pitch black. Taking a deep breath, I leant out trying to see where the light switch was; it was around the corner, near the stairs.
" was only a nightmare",
I whispered to myself. Gathering all the courage I had left, I took small steps and made my way to the corner. I wasn't sure if Sarah was asleep downstairs or back in bed?
"Only one way to find out".
I whispered.

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