Remembering the house.

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The front door was dark brown with patterns all over it, the handle had a silver cover. I reached forward and clenched my fist to knock on the door, to then find a doorbell. I unclench my fist to press the doorbell but before I did, the door opened and I found my Aunt Sarah standing there with a big smile to welcome me.
"Hiya Bonny, how was the journey? I've been waiting for you, I'm really pleased you decided to come and help me."
Stepping into the house I noticed the wooden floors were polished and a graceful bannister that curved upward showing the stairs to the second floor on my left.

I could hear Mum and Dad chatting away whilst they brought in the rest of my belongings. My Aunt lead me into the living room where my eyes begin to adjust to the dim lights. I then realise there is a small fireplace on right side of the room which was surrounded by a couch shaped in a letter U. I moved closer to the fire to get warm as possible until Mum called me from the kitchen. There was a clear entrance behind me and a dining room table with eight chairs surrounding it. Whilst I was walking to the kitchen, I spotted a vase with vivid red and pale cream roses with the sunset passing through the window making their petals shine like silk.

The kitchen had an L-shaped counter with the fridge at the end and an old-fashioned style pantry where the food is stored. I turned towards my Mum and asked what she wanted me for but she just looked at my Aunt. My Aunt then smiled as she asked me what I would like for dinner,  I replied: "Surprise me."
However, my Dad jumped up in exitment and suggested,
"Pizza! I'm starving, least then your aunt doesn't have to worry about cooking."
He looked over to Mum before facing Aunt Sarah. They all agreed "That sounds great!" Speaking simultaneously. I burst into laughter.

After eating and saying my goodbye's to my parents, I made my way upstairs to find five rooms. I go to my left to find the bathroom which had blue walls, a bathtub and shower. I headed back out to then find my Aunt's room. The floor was a soft grey carpet with a darker grey colour for the walls, the walls had hand-drawan butterfly patterns that my Aunt must have painted herself. The pattern moved across the middle in a mesmerising movement but i knew i had to leave the room. I left the room admiring the decor.

I finally found my room. The walls were black, along with the satin bed sheets and curtains. The ceiling was white which blended with the soft, fluffy carpet and the wardrobes were silver which was very authentic, just furniture that I have never seen before.

Taking my heavy bag off my shoulder and suitcase, I placed it on top of the bed and began to take everything out and moved it all into the draws either side of the bed. By the time I finished unpacking, my Aunt came to my room and asked if I would like a bath or shower to freshen up. I sweetly replied back,
"That would be great, thank you."
I was hoping I would be able to relax in a nice hot bubble bath before getting into my pyjamas. They were wolf pj's; a wolf face on the front and wolf paws on the bottoms.

A few hours passed as we caught up on what each other had been doing last year and this year. Out of nowhere she then mentioned about a dance group in town and wondered if I would like to go tomorrow morning and watch them. I stood up from my chair and told her I would sleep on it, I made my way to my room and wondered if they are any good but as I reached the top steps she shouted, "They can sing too."
Later that night, I couldn't stop dreaming about singing and dancing. It made me feel like I did the most exercise ever since I left college for the holidays.

Just as my thoughts were about to disappear, my eyes flashed open to a loud bang at the door, I sat up slowly looking around me. The room was in pitch black with the moonlight shining through my separated curtains. I kicked the covers off and stood up from my bed. My feet stepped onto the soft carpet with the moonlight slightly warming the floor. I began to walk closer and closer to the door, I grip the handle and slowly pull downwards until a click sound took place. I swung open the door quickly as possible to find my aunt's dog sleeping at the end of the hallway. The dog had grey, black fur to cover its face and it's clear blue eyes.

Sweat started to run down my face as I close the door behind me, I walk over to the door that connects my bedroom to the bathroom. I flicked the switch and blinked a couple of times to get used to the light. Turning on the tap, I splash my face with cold water to wash away the unbearable heat that covered my forehead and checks. I felt so suffocated. I went back to bed, forgetting where I was and who I was.

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