Chapter 7: Confessing feelings

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"what do you mean?" he asked, eyes so eager to know more. my statement puzzled him. yes! yes Luke Hemmings! I just confessed.

"well, I feel the same about you. I like you. thats the truth. I have been crushed knowing that you left Sydney because you are going to live your dream. I have always liked you. of course I didnt admitted it during highschool I mean how could I?"

"so we are two people who have liked each other for a long time but didnt had the chance to be together because we didnt had the courage to admit it...."

"uhm yeah? I guess so.." I amswered blankly

I stared at his ocean blue eyes oh how I waited for so long for this to happen. years of waiting and it finally paid off. I like him.kinda love him.. I need to take it slow this is all unexpected.

he smiled at me.. I blushed crimson red I curled my lip then smiled at him..


the night is so young and serene. its 9:17 and we are still talking.. we cant stop laughing about our highschool memories.

we lay down the grass and stared at the sky.. I tought him about stars. Im a bit gaga and nerdy when if comes to astronomy. I love stargazing. he seemed fascinated about it..

we cant stop smiling at each other the feeling so surreal.

I never felt so happy. Im so inlove with this boy.

"what time is it?" Luke asked

I unlocked my iPhone and looked at the time.

"its 11:56 Luke" I answered

"really? that late already? want to go home?"

"sure'' I answered him with a fake smile. no I dont want to go. please lets stay here forever


we walked our way home since cabs are nowhere to be found

duh? its midnight.

I can almost see the roof of my house, me and Luke are the only ones walking the streets.

he held my hand. I felt electricity surrounding my body, sent chills to my spine. oh my god!

he intertwined his fingers with mine.

I giggled

he smiled but looked away

"what's wrong?" I asked

"I just cant believe this is happenning" he answered cooly


I blushed.. the hell? I did nothing tonight but blush.

"I wish we could turn back time" I exclaimed

he stopped walking. so did I. he let go of my hand then stood infront of me, he placed his index finger on my lips "shh" he whispered, then he cupped my face with his hands..he's so warm.. I closed my eyes. I can stay like this forever... he hugged me I rested my head on his chest.. he smells so good.. fabric conditioner, his original musk and vanilla? ..why does he smells like vanilla? .. He placed his arms on my waist, I locked my arms around his neck and stared at his glistening eyes. he leaned down and before I knew it.. he kissed me our lips connected, his tongue brushing my lower lip asking me for entry.. and so I let him our tongues moved in felt so good I let out a small moan escape mu lips as we kissed. I brushed his hair while kissing him, he pulled me closer to him. seconds later, I decided to pull away when I heard my inner-self scream "dont rush! dont rush!" .. he pecked my lips one last time as we stopped kissing..

"that was amazing" he exclaimed, as he brush his hair. his biceps flexing oooh I shivered.

I smiled, not knowing what to happen next.


we held hand in hand as we walk towards my house. shit! I forgot Im 'home alone' I cant ask him to stay for the night.obviously.

before I knew it we were standing infront my doorstep.

we were about to kiss again when the front door opened and we heard series of gasps

me and Luke are in an awkward position.

I turned around to see a surprised Helen and Ronnie

"ahem" Ronnie faked coughing.


"uhmmm.. Luke meet my bestfriends Helen and Ronnie."

"HI LUKE!!" Helen and Ronnie giggled in chorus

Luke nodded and smiled.

oh god his smile, Im melting.

"this was a great night,babe"

woah. babe?

I nodded not knowing what to say.

"thank you so much for everything. would yoy like to come on and drink some tea?"

"well I got to go. we have a concert tomorrow night. if yoy want you girls could come. I'll just pick you up tomorrow at 4, soundcheck is on 5"

"REALLY??" Ronnie and Helen exclaimed, they look like theyre going to explode

"sure that would be great!" I answered.

he smiled and hugged me, he kissed my head.. I can hear Helen and Ronnie giggling.

I smiled at Luke and waved him goodbye.

I watch him dissapear as he walks farther and farther away from me.

I still cant believe what happened tonight.

Stalking to Reality - L.H (editing)Where stories live. Discover now