~Sequel to My Addiction[C.A]~
As you know Brianna finally gave Chresanto a chance. Life has been going great for them and their little family. Then things start going down hill after a while and they start to become distant. Hopefully Chresanto does...
Ashanti Imani August was born on February 6 in Harlem Hospital. Yeah I said Harlem Hospital I moved my ass back to New York and I just love it. Her and Jamilah are officially the loves of my life and no nigga can change that. I work at a tattoo shop and I just love it it's a way I can express my art and get some cash at that too.
"Mommy?"Jamilah said
"Yes Milah?"I said
"Did daddy call?"She asked
"No."I sighed
"Why do I even bother asking anymore."She mumbled
She looked down then walked back into her room. I feel so bad for her man. Chresanto use to call and FaceTime her all the time but after a while he just stopped. Jamilah always ask if he called. She use to call him but he never would answer so she just gave up and just figured he would call one day. I changed Ashanti's diaper and walked downstairs to be greeted by my best and only bitch Erica. (Erica is played by Jhonni Blaze just so y'all know) Did I mention that she lives with me.
"Hey shawty."She smiled
"What's up."I said handing her Ashanti
I went and put my sandals on then went to look for my purse.
"Why you leaving so early for work?"She asked
"Remember I'm getting my tattoo today."I told her finally finding my purse
"Oh yeah. You not getting anything weird right?"She said raising her eyebrow
"No."I laughed
I grabbed my keys and waved by then left.
After the tattoo
"So why did you get a semicolon tattoo?"My coworker Jamir asked me
"Because it's meaningful."I said waiting for a client to come in
"How it's a fucking symbol."He said
I sighed then showed him a paper.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
He read it then looked at me.
"So that's what you are planning with that tattoo?"He asked