[ Chapter II ] 'Hello?'

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The Forest of Nightmares.

Taekwoon has only heard stories about it from his mother. It's a place filled with the souls of the dead that was lost during their trip through the River of Styx. The souls lingered in the forest for centuries, never making it past to the afterlife.

What became of them was unknown.

No one dared to approach the forest and for those that did, never made it out.

As Taekwoon and the other children made their way to the forest, the fog became thicker and thicker. Taekwoon felt uneasy and so were the rest of the children who were following behind. Eerie cries and whispers could be heard as they continued. Louder and clearer as they approached the river that connected them to the forest. The forest was just on the other side. Parts of the forest was poking out through the fog and Taekwoon could see glimpses of it. His heart was beginning to race.

"Well go on, we'll watch you from here," one of the kids nudged Taekwoon forward, making Taekwoon stumble a bit.

The only way to make it across the river was a single wooden bridge, so old that it could fall apart at any time. The souls that lingered below was trying to grasp hold of the bridge each time they passed by it, trying to turn it upside down. The constant splashes of the rapid river made the bridge cover with mold, it was slippery, slimy and the ropes that held the bridge together looked as if it could snap if anyone held onto it.

Taekwoon looked at the bridge in front of him, then back at the other children, and dragged his first step forward. He lifted small Hyuk in one arm and grabbed the rope with the other.

I can do this, I can do it, and began his hypnotizing session again.

Both his feet were on the first wooden plate, and the bridge was starting to shake. Taekwoon froze. He swallowed hard and let out a deep breath.

I can do it.

He tried to ignore the souls trying to grasp for his feet as they pass by. Although there was no way they could reach, Taekwoon was still feeling uneasy. One wrong move would make him fall down into the river along with a sea of souls. He began moving forward slowly and carefully while trying to filter out every cry and wails he could hear coming from below. He's been hung above a sea of wailing banshees for days before, this time he wasn't even tied up, so it shouldn't be as scary right?

He glanced back a few times to check if the others were still watching him. If they weren't there anymore, he could just turn back and somehow lie his way out of the situation but that was not the case. The kids were there, just hiding behind a giant willow tree and secretly watching Taekwoon as he made his way across. They were scared but they were also curious to see if the 'loser' was able to take the challenge.

Luckily, after a few creaks and nearly slipping off, Taekwoon made it safely on to the other side. Taekwoon let out a sigh of relief. A few minutes across the bridge literally felt like decades. He looked back at his small achievement, feeling a bit proud of himself and let out a small smile. He's still alive, somehow. But that smile disappeared the moment he remembered why he had to cross the bridge in the first place.

The sight in front of him was much more terrifying than the view from behind. Large, towering trees were covered by vines and the fog was so thick that it blocked every sight in front.

"What did I get myself into?" he asked Hyuk.

What was scary about the forest wasn't because he saw any souls or the dead, but more because he couldn't see them, only hear their cries. He heard rustling in the bushes as he began walking through. Taekwoon didn't like it, nor did Hyuk. Hyuk was so terrified that he began to whimper and hid inside Taekwoon's shirt. Taekwoon held tightly onto Hyuk, trying to comfort him and although Hyuk was supposed to be a great hellhound, he was just a puppy in training. Seeing Hyuk like that, Taekwoon decided to be just a bit braver.

Taekwoon walked further and deeper through the forest, quickly, he told himself. The faster he can make his way towards the end, the faster he can get out as well. He continued to walk through the fog and although he froze a few times in his tracks, he still continued. But before he knew it, he was lost. Everything looked the same and the fog covered his view completely. There was no longer a path to follow and the tall withered trees continued to tower over him.

Taekwoon became worried.

"I should turn around," and picked up a strange-looking stone nearby, "This should be good enough proof right? They saw me walk in here, so they can't say otherwise."

He retraced his steps back just to find himself feeling lost even more. The path he took was no longer in sight and it felt as if he was walking in a circle for hours. Hyuk was too afraid to help sniff their way out as well.

It was starting to get late and Taekwoon could feel the sky become darker. He was feeling tired and hungry.

I shouldn't have skipped breakfast, he told himself. Just as he was about to sit down to rest, a small breeze brushed along his neck. The breeze felt as if it was pulling Taekwoon in to follow it and he did.

Maybe it's the way out. He continued to follow the mysterious breeze for a while until he saw the most mesmerizing sight in front of him.

In front of him stood a large tree that rested at the very center of a hill. It was bigger than all those in the forest that surrounded it and its stocks were so old that it swallowed the ground. Taekwoon stood there, amazed at what he saw and approached the tree curiously. He has never seen anything like it before, even Hyuk who was terrified the entire time stopped whimpering. Taekwoon let Hyuk down and the two walked forward.

The enormous tree became even bigger as Taekwoon walked forward. It was so big that Taekwoon didn't even realize his jaws were dropping. He stopped to examine the large stock in front until the small breeze hit him again. It was as if it was calling for him. Taekwoon followed the direction of where the breeze was coming from to discover an opening in the tree stock on the other side. He peaked curiously to find something even stranger inside.

It was a large door covered with vines and had strange engravings carved on it. The door was twice the size of young Taekwoon. He had a strange feeling while looking up at it and could not resist the urge to trace his hands on top of the scratches. It was almost as if it was a piece of artwork, unlike any he had ever seen before. The scratches, the engravings and the vines that draped across it, seemed as if they belong together. Then Taekwoon realized something even stranger.

There was no door knob or handle on it.

"This is definitely a door, right?" Taekwoon asked Hyuk. Hyuk titled his head, not knowing the answer.

Taekwoon continued to trace the door, hoping for some way to open it. After a while, Taekwoon decided to give up. He was too tired and his growling stomach kept bothering him. Taekwoon let out a disappointing sigh.

"Let's go Hyuk. We've been out for too long."

Just as Taekwoon turned to exit...

One knock.

Two knock.

Taekwoon stopped. Did he just hear knocking from behind him? He glanced back.


I must be too tired, I'm starting to hear things, he thought.

Another knock.

Taekwoon was sure he heard it this time. He walked back towards the door and Taekwoon returned a knock to answer it.

There was no reply. He was definitely hallucinating, he told himself and just as he was about to give up again, he heard a voice.

"Hello?" it said.


Guess who?

As I was writing this, I had a lot of imagery to help me picture what I wanted to write. I'm not the best at descriptions but I hope I can make you guys 'see' what Taekwoon is seeing as well. I want to improve my writing as I create this story :) I actually have a storyboard for this piece and it will be a long journey so I hope we can get through this together. 'Fantasy' is really inspiring as I write this story and so are a lot of VIXX's songs so, keep an eye out for any references I might dump out in the future for you guys ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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