[Chapter XXV] - For Whose Sake

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Taekwoon could not understand why his own lover, Cha Hakyeon, brought him to such a place. The place that could ultimately break them apart. What was he thinking behind that nonchalant and careless smile of his? Taekwoon could not shake those thoughts from his mind as the girl remained glued on him.

He did not like it. Not what was happening and definitely did not like her. Kwon Soo-ah, the reason for all his frustrations and anger from the very beginning, even before Taekwoon had met her. He tried to shake her off but she was becoming very persistent. She only knew how to cry harder and harder.

If it was Hakyeon, Taekwoon would immediately comfort him but definitely not to her. He didn't even want to see the sight of her. His anger was building him, both at her and at Hakyeon.

"Let go," Taekwoon demanded.

She didn't listen.

Taekwoon forcefully pushed her away and glared at her.

She stumbled back at his push and fell but she didn't hate him for it either. She was desperate.

"I love you Taekwoon! Please don't push me away," she cried out.

Taekwoon knew from the beginning that the girl had her eyes glued on him but he didn't let that get to him. She was not the focus of his affection, only a fuel to his rage.

"Wait!" She called out as Taekwoon walked away and slammed the door behind him. He ignored her call and ran away to find Hakyeon. He was nowhere to be found in the mansion but instead, Taekwoon saw his lover waiting outside the gates.

* * * * * *

Hakyeon was waiting outside playing with Hyuk as if nothing happened, which angered Taekwoon even more. Taekwoon grabbed Hakyeon's arms tightly and interrogated him.

"Why did you bring me here?" Taekwoon demanded an answer and wasn't ready to let go until he got it.

"Huh? Nothing. Just wanted to. That's all." He answered as if he couldn't see how angry Taekwoon was.

"Don't try to play me Cha Hakyeon. Tell me now."

Hakyeon remained silent for a moment.

"Let go," he said. "You're hurting me."

"Cha Hakyeon!" Taekwoon yelled, which startled Hakyeon.

Taekwoon has never raised his voice at Hakyeon, not once not ever. He has always used his gentle and soothing tone whenever he talked to Hakyeon but this time, anyone could see that what Hakyeon did was unforgivable.

"Don't yell. Geez. Soo-ah said she wanted to see you, so I brought you here. Nothing more." Hakyeon was avoiding Taekwoon's intense glare. He knew what he did was wrong but didn't seem to care.

"And you're fine with that? What about me? Did you ask whether or not I want to see her?"

Hakyeon knew what he did would upset Taekwoon but he did it anyway. Was it for Soo-ah's sake though? Taekwoon's? Or his own?

"Soo-ah likes you Taekwoonie. She's locked herself inside the mansion for months and has become sick just because she likes you. It's silly I know but I thought she would feel better if she got a chance to see you at least. What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong? Everything! Do you not care that she likes me? I'm supposed to be your lover!"

"I can't help it okay? She's my friend and she's hurt. She's been wanting to see you so badly that she keeps thinking about you. I know how she feels so that's why I wanted to help her get better. Why are you so angry?"

"Do you honestly think that I wouldn't be angry? When you forcefully brought me here to this place? To see her? I don't like her. Ever since you mentioned that you were going to marry her. Do you not remember our fight because of her? Why would I ever want to see her?" Taekwoon did not understand why Hakyeon was becoming so insensitive to his feelings and only thought about Soo-ah's. Did he not care how Taekwoon feels anymore?

"I don't want to argue with you. You don't understand." Hakyeon sighed and gave up. "I'm going home."

Hakyeon shook away from Taekwoon's grasp and walked off, leaving Taekwoon dumbfounded by their argument.

What was Hakyeon thinking? Was he not upset when he found out that Soo-ah liked his own lover? Was he not jealous? Did Taekwoon not mean anything to him?

Never have Taekwoon thought he'd be so angry at Hakyeon. He felt his own body tremble from anger and disappointment. The Hakyeon he saw the other night was not a hallucination. It was real.

An expressionless Hakyeon that seemed as if he didn't care about anything nor anyone, even Jung Taekwoon.

Taekwoon's sleepless nights were coming back but this time, it was from the anger he was feeling inside. The more he thought about it, the more upset he became. His anger brought out his powers that he tried to seal away while he was in the human world but he couldn't control it. He was losing control and it was becoming harder to breathe.

* * * * * *

Ever since their argument, Hakyeon no longer pestered Taekwoon like before. He knew what he did was unforgivable and he knew that Taekwoon was angry. Hakyeon wasn't insensitive to others feelings, it's more as if he's too sensitive at times to forget about his own. Of course, he was jealous and saddened by the sight of Soo-ah hugging Taekwoon but he couldn't stop it... his own negativities and insecurities that he tried so hard to forget.

Rather than making visits to Taekwoon like he did in the past, he went to visit Soo-ah instead. To make sure she was alright. The sight of Soo-ah's depression since she had fallen in love with Taekwoon made him feel sorry for her. He knew what it felt like to fall so deeply in love, especially with someone like Taekwoon but it seemed as if she took it harder on herself than it did on Hakyeon. Unlike Hakyeon who received Taekwoon's love in return, she was alone and pushed away.

Soo-ah never asked for anything and only knew how to give her all to others. She was different from Hakyeon, who was selfish and clingy. He only knew how to take rather than give.

Do I really deserve him? He constantly had such thoughts. Maybe she's better for Taekwoon than me... He deserves so much more than me...

When he brought Taekwoon to see Soo-ah, he felt as if his heart had shattered at the scene he caused. But it was the only way he could think of to help heal Soo-ah's wounds. Soo-ah's love for Taekwoon was dangerous for her. There would be times where he found her trying to kill herself, in order to make herself forget about her love. He tried his best to comfort her and stop her each time but every day, she would be covered with newer scars. One by one, as Hakyeon had witnessed, made him unable to claim Taekwoon for himself. Taekwoon was the only one that could help her. Save her.

Hakyeon had decided.

Decided to take the final measures, for Soo-ah's sake and for Taekwoon's...

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