[Chapter XXX] - Lee Jaehwan

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Did he just say 'God'?

Hakyeon could not make out what he had just heard. He was confused more than ever.

"A God? What are you talking about Jaehwan?"

"Yup. A God. Surprising right?"

"If you're joking again, you better stop. I'll get angry." Hakyeon was not in the mood for any jokes even from Jaehwan.

"Wait, wait! I'm not joking. I really am a God!"

Jaehwan placed his palms and emitted a spark of lightning from it to show Hakyeon. Hakyeon was stunned at the sight. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"See? And I'm quite an almighty God too! Oh ~ and did I mention I'm actually older than you? By a looooot." Jaehwan laughed.


"Remember years ago when me and my brothers came to Pinewoods to look for a place to stay? We said our parents were too busy outside of town and left us at the Starlight Inn. Actually, that was a lie. I had other purposes for staying at Pinewoods. I also have the ability to change my appearance accordingly. I can even change how I look! But I like my face so I will never change that." Jaehwan winked and proud of himself. "Anyways, I miss being young again and thought it was fun if I could just be of youth again. Not every God has the ability to become youthful again, only with my skills that you could ever achieve it."

Jaehwan continued to boast.

"My two brothers, Jaegwan and Jaeho, aren't exactly my brothers either. They're more my guardians. They were sent with me by my side to watch over my actions while we stayed in the mortal realm. They had to protect me as well. I'm the son of a powerful God who lived in the Heavens. I'm the descendant or heir of the Ruler of the Heavens. It might be hard to believe but that's just who I am. Not that I even asked for it..."

"Ruler of the Heavens?" Hakyeon couldn't help but scratch his heads. He knows nothing of the Gods nor was he ever interested in the myths that people talked about.

"Mhmm. My dad is powerful and he wanted to train me as well since I'm the only one with potential. I've got too many siblings but none cared for the power or was just too weak for the task. So he assigned me to study the human world. Here. Therefore, I was sent here to study your kind. Coincidently, I ended up in Pinewoods. I ended up liking you folks in Pinewoods too much and 'growing' up with you was quite fun. I would end up forgetting my own identity or duty at times because of you guys."

Jaehwan was descendent of the most powerful God in the Heavens, the one who ruled the skies. He was much older than Hakyeon but because of his desire to feel youthful again, he decided to be young with his abilities. He didn't mind being the younger one in their friendship and calling Hakyeon his 'hyung' became a habit.

"Wait. So you're a God but what does Taekwoon have to do with this?"

"Huh? Oh. That's because he's a God as well." Jaehwan replied.

"Wh-what? A God? Like you?" Hakyeon thought he couldn't be any more surprised for the night.

"Well, not exactly like me. I was born in the Heavens and he was born in the Underworld. My father is the Ruler of the Heavens, and he was the Ruler of the Underworld. Since the first time I met him, I knew who he was. His powers were still too weak to cover up his identity, so it wasn't hard to know. But I never told him even after he left."

"Taekwoon... he's a God too?" Hakyeon muttered.

Hakyeon just couldn't believe his ears. More than nine years, he's known and loved Taekwoon, he never once thought of such a possibility. Taekwoon being a God. He's only heard myths of their existence but never did he think he was so close to not just one, but two full-fledged Gods.

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