[Chapter XV] - Our Time

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Although Taekwoon agreed to stay at Hakyeon's place for the night, it was because he didn't know how to refuse when he saw how afraid Hakyeon looked. He wanted to make sure he was alright and wanted to help Hakyeon by reassuring him that he wasn't going anywhere.

"Don't worry too much about that dream. Okay? It's just a dream." Taekwoon patted Hakyeon the head to comfort him.


"It's okay. Just a dream. Let's just go to sleep okay? It's getting late and you must be tired as well, right?"

Hakyeon nodded. "Can you um... sing for me? While I fall asleep? I know it's a bit weird but I want to hear it. Your singing voice. Without being blocked by a door..." Hakyeon held Taekwoon's hand, unwilling to let go until he fell asleep.

Taekwoon agreed.

He placed his hands above Hakyeon's eyes and sang a soft lullaby until Hakyeon fell asleep. As Taekwoon watched Hakyeon fall asleep, he couldn't help but wonder why Hakyeon had the exact same dream as he did before. A nightmare that he doesn't want to ever see again. Why would he ever leave Hakyeon now that he's finally here, by his lifelong friend's side? As he continued to think of their coincidences, Taekwoon fell asleep next to Hakyeon while continuing to hold onto his hand.

The morning came and Hakyeon was the first to wake up. He was still half asleep but he felt his own hand being held by a rather cold one. It was gentle though. He looked up and saw Taekwoon's face, peacefully sleeping with his back laying on the bedframes. Hakyeon felt slightly sorry that he made his friend sleep in such an awkward position all night long just because of his own selfish request. As he became mesmerized by the sleeping Taekwoon, tears slowly formed in his eyes.

Why? Hakyeon wondered but didn't know the answers to it. Could it be because his dear friend is finally here after all these years? The hand that held his own, Hakyeon didn't want to let go.

Just as Hakyeon was still busy looking at Taekwoon's face, Taekwoon woke up to see his friend becoming teary and he panicked.

"What's wrong?" Taekwoon asked.

Hakyeon shook his head. "Nothing. Good morning."

"Good morning." Taekwoon was relieved that Hakyeon seemed fine and caressed Hakyeon's soft bed hair.

"Sorry for making you sleep like this all night. You could've slept on the bed too you know?"

Taekwoon wouldn't dare. He didn't know what he would do if he did. He tried not to give into temptation.

"It's okay. Let's just get up and wash your face, okay?"

"Mhmm." Hakyeon obediently followed Taekwoon to get ready.

As the two went downstairs to the kitchen, they saw Hakyeon's mom and dad busily preparing breakfast.

"Morning mom! Morning dad!"

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Cha."

"Good morning you two," Hakyeon's dad replied delightfully. "Did you two have a good sleep last night? Hope my son didn't bother you too much."

"Yes. Thank you for letting me stay the night."

"That's not a problem, right dear?" Hakyeon's dad asking his wife.

She shook her head with a fragile smile but Taekwoon could still feel that something felt off about the way she looked at him.

"So what are your plans for today?" Hakyeon's dad asked the two young ones around the table as they waited for breakfast to be ready.

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