[ Chapter IV ] - Liars

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Sleep didn't seem to apply to Taekwoon lately. Sure, he hated going to bed at night and having to force himself to wake up in the morning to endure another long day. But this time it was different.

He couldn't fall asleep at all last night thinking about the meeting with 'Cha Hakyeon.' Taekwoon couldn't believe that any of the things that happened last night was real. As hard as it may seem to be, Taekwoon also wished that it was all real. Let everything that happens be real and let me meet that boy again today as we promised.

The first promise he's ever made with anyone.

As soon as Taekwoon saw the sky brightened up a bit, he immediately got up to get ready for another day. He hurriedly dressed in his most comfortable clothes, trying to make himself look 'presentable.' Though, it's not like Hakyeon would be able to see him. It was still way too early for their meeting time but Taekwoon couldn't keep still. His feet kept swinging back and forth while he was having his breakfast and even his little shoulders were bouncing up and down. The housekeeper looked at him as if he was possessed. Never has she seen the young master so 'happy.'

"Hyuk, what happened last night wasn't a dream right?" asking the puppy for confirmation.

Hyuk nudged Taekwoon's legs as if confirming his suspicion.

It wasn't a dream.

Taekwoon really did talk to a boy named Cha Hakyeon.

After Taekwoon finished his breakfast and grabbing an extra slice of bread before he headed out, he was stopped by a voice calling out to his name.

"Jung Taekwoon," a deep hoarse voice called out to him.

The voice alone made Taekwoon forget everything he had planned and froze in his steps.

"Where are you heading out in such a hurry and so early in the morning?" Taekwoon's father, who has never cared for his son's actions, suddenly questioned.

"Just out to town... for a bit," Taekwoon stuttered.

"Again? Hmph. Instead of playing with those weaklings, you ought to be strengthening yourself and make yourself more powerful. Just looking at you coming home all covered up in bruises and dirt is disgusting. To think, my blood flows within you." He didn't hesitate one bit about those hurtful words he just said to his own son. No mercy was given and there was definitely no empathy in his father's eyes.


"Just look at you. Weak and scrawny. You don't even know how to raise your voice to talk back to me! No wonder everyone looks down on you."

Despite knowing that the other children were always picking on Taekwoon, his father did nothing about it. His father would never stand up for anyone, not even his own son. Taekwoon was upset by just listening to his father's words, but at the same time, he felt a slight irritation from those words that belittled him.

Thanks for ruining my morning, Taekwoon muttered to himself as he turned around and dashed out the door. He didn't want to hear another word from his father.

"If he knew, he should've done something about it, right? Why didn't he say something? So much for calling him my 'dad.' Worst dad ever." Taekwoon grunted as he kept walking. "I wonder if Hakyeon's dad is like that."

* * * * * *

Since it was still too early to meet with his very first friend, Taekwoon decided to go to his usual bench, his usual spot and the usual playground where all the children would gather. They were all playing around and being rowdy as always. Since Taekwoon obviously won the challenge yesterday, they should treat him differently, is what he thought. He slowly approached the kids playing and the moment they saw him, they gave him a glance and continued with their activities. They didn't approach Taekwoon nor picked on him, laughed at him or pushed him around like always. It was as if they were treating Taekwoon as 'invisible.'

Taekwoon didn't like the feeling he was getting from the kids. His rough morning was becoming worst and he felt upset. They promised they would play with him if he made it out of the forest but this was far from keeping their promise. It was even worse than how they treated him before.

It took a moment for Taekwoon to gather his courage and approached one of the boys that caught his sight.

"I made it out of the forest like I promised, so why are you guys ignoring me?" Taekwoon demanded an answer while grabbing the boy's arms in case he runs away.

"Ow! He's hurting me!" The boy cried out and tried to shake Taekwoon off.

"What? I didn't- "

Taekwoon stopped and released his grasp. He glanced at the other children and the look in their eyes was frightening. He was being feared and avoided. But why? Why are their attitudes so different? Are they breaking their promise? Now they're treating me just like everyone else.


Taekwoon backed away while dragging his feet to escape those gazes. He hated it and it was eating him up. They're all the same, every single last one of them. Taekwoon looked down to the ground, unable to keep his head up. His eyes were beginning to give in and all he could do was bite his lips so that the pain could make him forget about his sadness. Suddenly, Hyuk bit the hem of Taekwoon's pants, trying to drag Taekwoon out from his misery. The only one who could see Taekwoon's unhappy face was his small friend, Hyuk.

"Thanks," Taekwoon said as he crouched down to pet Hyuk's head. At least there's still someone who cares. "Let's go."

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