Chapter 7

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Taylor's POV

I stared into her emerald eyes searching for an answer. Why? 

"So... I'm guessing you're wondering why I am here." Alexandra said leaning against the opposite wall. I bit my lip to stop myself from saying something rude. No bitch, I want to know why I wanna screw you. Shut up Catherine now's not the time for this. 

"Not really, no." I answered back ignoring Cath. She rolled her eyes and looked at the books by my bed. She walked over and picked one up. It was a diary of a newborn vampire. "What do you think about these books?" she asked flipping through the pages quickly.

"I think all that I can find in them are stories of people who lost everything in life when a scumbag of a vampire decided to ruin their lives. All that I can see is sorrow and pain. What a great life to live." I retorted. "One bite took away their humanity forever."

She sighed and put the book down. "You know you are now what you call a 'scumbag vampire' right?" I flicked my eyes to her. "Shut up." She smirked and carried on. "I mean I'm just wondering." She put the diary down and looked into my eyes. "What's it like to have become what you hated the most?"

I clenched my hands into balls and gritted my teeth. "Shut. Up. I'm not a damn vampire." I wanted nothing more than to shut her up. "Why not accept who you are now? I can't hear your heartbeat. You can't deny it. You're a vampire." 

I had enough of her taunting. She doesn't have to rub it in my face. I tackled her down to the ground and raised my fist over my head as I held her down by the throat. I was frozen on top of her staring into her dumb green eyes.

"You won't do it. You feel the pull too. We're connected now." she said calmly on the ground. I wanted to wipe that smirk off her face so badly, but she was right. I couldn't hurt her even if I tried. "Fuck you." I spat. 

I took my hand off her throat and sat down beside her. "Why did this happen to me?" I hung my head down and felt tears welling in my eyes. I thought I loved Jason. I know I love Jason. This doesn't make any sense. 

She pulled herself up and bent her knees to her chest. "I honestly don't know. I've never planned on having a mate." I wiped the tears from my eyes and glanced towards her. Her face was etched with genuine confusion. Her blonde hair cascaded down her face in wavy lengths as she sat there trying to think of reasons for this mistake.

"I'm going to have to ask my dad about this." she muttered. "NO! We can't have anyone finding out about this." She frowned and moved closer to me. "What are you ashamed of? Being with a girl or a vampire?" She crossed her arms and stood up. 

"No, no, no. It's not that. I just want to figure out what happened before you start telling people about the whole mate thing." I couldn't help but notice how ripped her arms looked. Oh, shit. I'm gay. Catherine muttered.

"Well, like it or not, your brother wants me to show you how to control your new powers and become a true vampire." I groaned. "So," she continued, "We're going to have to spend a good amount of time with each other." She rubbed her temples and shook her head. "Just promise you won't say anything about us to anyone. Please?" I pleaded.

She took in a deep breath. "Okay fine. We will keep this between us for now." I nodded my head. "And this." I waved my hand between the space separating us. "This isn't anything. I have a mate back home. There has to be something that can explain what I'm going through." Her face fell as if me denying our bond hurt. She quickly covered it up with a stony look. 

"For someone who used to have a heart, you don't show it. Did you ever stop to think about how I felt about you?" I looked at her in shock. "No, but I assum-"

"VAMPIRES NEED MATES TOO YOU KNOW!" She yelled, slamming the door behind her. 


So there's another chapter! Hope you liked it. Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. Also feel free to check out my other book "Tough Love". It would mean a lot! It's also a book that will introduce a bisexual character! Hope you're spending your last summer days wisely!

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