Wanting More

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"this use to be North's old personal workshop. I stumbled a crossed it a few years ago, and asked him about it. He told me it was too small to keep all of his things in here, and he told me I could use it for whatever I wanted." Jack then looked around the room with a relaxed smile. "to be honest, ever since he gave it to me, I think he has totally forgotten about it...But yeah, usually when nobody can find me around anywhere, this is usually where I am."

    I looked around the room admiring it.

"if no one knows about this room, then why are you showing me?" I asked him honestly really curious of why.

"well... I don't know, I think it would be nice to share a secret with someone, and that someone just happens to be you." Jack looked at me with a smile as we walked farther in the room. I smiled back at him and then looked at the ground. I then faced Jack and shoved him as hard as I could on to the couch. I could tell this had taken him by surprise as he looked at me in shock.

    "what was that for!?" he said slightly raising his voice.

"that is for hurting me with your stupid icicles, and then ignoring me for weeks!" I raised my voice right back at him. Jack slowly sat up on the couch.

"(y/n), I really didn't mean for that to happen, I said sorry... and I told you why I wasn't talking to you." Jack looked at me, he seemed like he was disappointed in himself.

I know." I said taking a seat next to him. "it was honestly very sweet. But next time, grow a pair will ya?" I said nudging my shoulder against his while smiling.

"next time?" Jack questioned smiling at me. "and grow appear!? Are you serious? Imagine how it would feel to talk yourself into asking someone so beautiful to the biggest Ball of the year! its kind of nerve racking!" Jack said seriously with his voice speeding up. I looked at him in shock.

"did you just call me Beautiful?" I looked at Jack surprised at his words. I saw Jack's face slowly turn from pink, to a very visible red shade.

"yeah, I did... because you are beautiful" Jack looked at me with a small smile spreading across his lips. I could feel the butterflies growing in my stomach as Jack said these words while looking into my eyes.

"oh. uh. T-thank you" I said back not knowing what else I should say. I noticed that Jack's smile disappeared and he wouldn't look at me in the eyes. I started to feel bad, I felt like I did something wrong.

"this room here you made for yourself, its very peaceful.. it must be relaxing" I said trying to change the mood of things,

"yeah, I come here just for that reason, it's nice to be away from things for a little while." He looked around the room with an expressionless face.

"when I want to get away from things, I ice skate.. it makes me happy..." I said with a small smile. "But now I'm afraid that if I even try I'll melt the ice beneath me..." My smile faded as Jack turned to look at me.

"well if you ever want to go ice skating, you can always ask me to come along.. I can make sure the ice doesn't melt for you." He began to smirk with this comment,

"would you really!? that would be really kind of you!" I said as I could feel my mouth growing to a grin. Jack just nodded and returned my smile.

"you know? I love all the neat things I can do now.. But I hate feeling like I'm on fire all the time! like I swear I should be sweating, but I don't. I guess I'm not use to it just yet.." I began to trail off, not really meaning to start talking about my problems.

"yeah, it took me a while to get use to being cold all the time, trust me, feeling warmth again would be really nice.  You're not alone" Jack looked to me as he leaned back on the couch, putting his hand on my knee. His hand felt so cold, and so nice, it felt so refreshing, and I couldn't help but want more.

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